Smile of Ink
As the ink flows, her beautiful smile flowers grow,
Reminded in the monochrome colors, like history covers.
But uncharted I see the rows, how easily my heart vows,
Like Sisyphus and the boulders, the lone soul charters.
A pilgrimage to her core to take, thy beliefs to overtake.
Journey on mystery, discovering her mind gallery.
Patiently the wait I make, for her words as sweet as cake.
A cozy old bakery, alike our storytelling diery.
Our ambience of ink, a sweet old smile will link.
My view still conceal, this artwork a beautiful dual.
So let my ambition cordial, your true eyes of crystal.
The wish which I think, is our distance to shrink.
From "Volumul Pot sa-ți spun ceva?/Can I tell you something?
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