Tell me sweet little lies
The leaking mind of a lover, an ambitious perpetrator, a strategic confectioner...
Tell me sweet little lies,
Fulfill my heart with deceitfulness,
Make me wish for an abstract portrait of emotions.
Take my heart as evidence,
Of the things I'm doing and I'll do,
A stolen dance of nothing to write about,
The surge of a caring person.
And you, my dearest,
A mushroom left in the dark to grow,
But as a surveyor of the black shroud, I observe...
The night lights are low, and you my dear, you cannot grow.
"From "Volumul Floare de piatră/Stone Flower""
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S-a deschis raiul pentru micii cititori, la Moldexpo. Peste 16 mii de carti sunt in asteptarea cumparatorilor, iar picii pot invata cum sa faca povesti digitale - VIDEO