Compassionate tears
White sparrow from afar, your eyes my happiness are.
Your singing and refrain, my mind hears anywhere.
With steadiness I take your wing, tendering with love and care.
Because in my view, my history should lay bare.
Compassionate tears you show, u don't realise they make you glow.
Your white feathers narrow, without realising u flew too low.
A watchful eye we keep on eachother, we both wishing to endow,
From a far tree you used to watch, and I appreciation only show.
Because if you're not happy, I'll ruin whatever stole your smile,
Your joy, my purpose, in your care, I find style.
Through storms and trials, we walk the extra mile.
Together we navigate life's intricate, delicate aisle.
From "Volumul Istorie Opusă/Opposing History"
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