
Timeless flavour

In the quiet morning, tea steams soft and warm,
As I sit, waiting to see you, my heart takes form.
Your voice, a melody, in the silence that rings,
Each word a symphony, that my soul eagerly clings.

With patience, I linger, for your presence near,
Anticipating hugs, that erases my every fear.
In this dance of love, we sway with ivory grace,
Embracing each moment, in this timeless space.

From "Volumul Pot sa-ți spun ceva?/Can I tell you something?"

Category: Love poems

All author's poems: Andrei Lehanceanu poezii.online Timeless flavour

Date of posting: 21 октября

Views: 3

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Pardonne-moi, reviens moi comme avant

Je t'aime trop et je ne peux pas vivre sans toi


Pardonne-moi ce caprice d'enfant

Pardonne-moi, reviens moi comme avant

Je t'aime trop et je ne peux pas vivre sans toi


C'était le temps des « je t'aime »

Nous deux on vivait heureux dans nos rêves

C'était le temps des « je t'aime »

Et puis j'ai voulu voler de mes ailes


Je voulais vivre d'autres amours

D'autres « je t'aime », d'autres « toujours »

Mais c'est de toi que je rêvais la nuit mon amour


Pardonne-moi ce caprice d'enfant

Pardonne-moi, reviens moi comme avant

Je t'aime trop et je ne peux pas vivre sans toi


C'était vouloir et connaître

Tout de la vie, trop vite peut-être

C'était découvrir la vie

Avec ses peines, ses joies, ses folies


Je voulais vivre comme le temps

Suivre mes heures, vivre au présent

Plus je vivais, plus encore je t'aimais tendrement


Pardonne-moi ce caprice d'enfant

Pardonne-moi, reviens moi comme avant

Je t'aime trop et je ne peux pas vivre sans toi.


Fyrirgefðu þessa barnalegu duttlunga

Fyrirgefðu, komdu aftur til mín eins og áður

Ég elska þig of mikið og ég get ekki lifað án þín


Fyrirgefðu þessa barnalegu duttlunga

Fyrirgefðu, komdu aftur til mín eins og áður

Ég elska þig of mikið og ég get ekki lifað án þín


Það var tíminn „ég elska þig“

Við tvö lifðum hamingjusöm í draumum okkar

Það var tíminn „ég elska þig“

Og svo langaði mig að fljúga með vængina


Mig langaði að upplifa aðrar ástir

Aðrir „ég elska þig“, aðrir „alltaf“

En það ert þig sem mig dreymdi um nóttina ástin mín


Fyrirgefðu þessa barnalegu duttlunga

Fyrirgefðu, komdu aftur til mín eins og áður

Ég elska þig of mikið og ég get ekki lifað án þín


Það var að vilja og vita

Allt í lífinu, of fljótt kannski

Það var að uppgötva lífið

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Ég vildi lifa eins og tíminn

Fylgstu með tímunum mínum, lifðu í núinu

Því lengur sem ég lifði, því meira elskaði ég þig blíðlega


Fyrirgefðu þessa barnalegu duttlunga

Fyrirgefðu, komdu aftur til mín eins og áður

Ég elska þig of mikið og ég get ekki lifað án þín.

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Ai întârziat și azi

Ce frumoasa este dragostea de fapt…

si eu ma pierd cu gandul tot la noi

Iar acum cred in minciuni

afectiunea lor mi-a lasat urme


Ce este mai nedrept

decat o inima pura

imbatata acum cu durere


Este atat de just —

doar o naiva fara suflare,

prinsa-n mreje.


Si ma voi fii invatat vreodata?

ma voi fii ars la degete atat de tare,

sa vreau sa ma scufund in lacul cosmosului

inghetat —

Unde stelele ma orbesc,

unde inteapa cu coltii lor…


Si cand intr-un final ma voi opri in loc,

nu voi mai gravita intre douazeci si unu de sentimente

poate voi deveni imuna

la loviturile lor


Si la acelea

ale celor din lume.

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Senzație #4#

simt fiecare strop de apă
arzând pe pielea mea
şi rând pe rând se tot usucă
din vina ochilor ce-ascund
privirea ta

mai știi
că nici fantasmă nu mai sunt
şi fără de atingeri
chiar mă poți atinge
iar hainele-mi se rup
și n-am nici armă
să te opresc de mă dezbraci
până la sânge

simt oxigenul dintre buze
înfulecând magnetizat distanţe
şi-atât de-aproape-ţi simt privirea
încât lumina
se transformă-n gloanţe

mă vrei ca pradă-n gândul tău
îmbraci cătușele
ce-n chin îți leagă trupul
şi-aștepți să vină rândul meu

secundele îți taie firul rațiunii
pe care mal suntem
infern sau rai
şoaptele mele trăirile îți scaldă
şi-acum într-un moment
doar eu
sunt tot ce ai

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Vreau din nou să mă-înnec,

În farmecul ochilor tăi,

Ochi, care nu vreau să-i văd plângând,

Privirea căror mă amețește,

Mă izbăvește de tot stresul.

Să te pierd, nu vreau,

Nu voi rezista, pur și simplu,

Nu vreau iar să mă-închid în sine.

Da. Nu sunt ideal,

Dar anume pentru tine vreau să fiu acea alegere corectă.

Voi spune și eu cum spuse și Lăpușneanu,

Dacă, tu nu mă vrei pe mine,

Eu te vreau

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Other poems by the author

Emerald Breeze

From the cold northern winds that shall blow,
Inviting the green pages to a dance to endow,
Emerald breeze coming rushed to new bestow,
Of the trees and meadows to give another glow.

An old oak with deep wings and strong crown,
Fearful of the haze of coming like a black pawn,
Caring for his green display, not to be thrown,
Worried about the incoming windcalls, unknown.

With the emerald breeze arrived, tree's fearsome,
Assumed oak, accepting the fate lonesome,
Does not expect the force not to be troublesome,
The judgement of the wind, often gruesome.

But gentle gale the menacing breeze shows,
Admiration for his new green lips sweet brows,
Surprised, the old oak present promise, vows,
The emerald breeze would not fear, and bows.


From "Volumul Pot sa-ți spun ceva?/Can I tell you something?"

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Winds blew me to the sky as an unworthy guest,
Flown to the dreamy times without a request,
Liberating the thought in me like a bird,
Hugging me like a lover without a word.
A tourist to my own ascension, own right, without imagination.
In the far, a golden gate, a numb fade, my adventure to deteriorate.
I saw it from afar, I sense it, she's my collar.
Shortly slowing me to sail, her sky seas to spoil.
Petrified by acceptance, the golden gate shrinks,
As her luminous white sky seas presents leaks,
In vain I try, her precious golden not to bury,
A sole tourist trying, not his golden mistress to worry.
Lost in the huge expanse of celestial seas,
I drift amidst whispers of untold and forgotten pleas.
Her golden gate now a distant and warming gleam,
An illusion shattered, a fractured dream.
Yet still, I journey on, with hope in my heart,
Though torn apart, I refuse to depart.
For amidst the chaos and the black stormy gale,
I seek redemption, a tale to unveil.
Through trials and tribulations, I persevere,
For within her realm, lies what I hold dear.
A truth to discover, a destiny to fulfill,
Though battered and bruised, I climb uphill.


From "Volumul Istorie Opusă/Opposing History"

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White waves

With my sole embrace
In a closed space,
I sit down, on an chair
To think about the judge that is fair.
White waves I see in the sky,
They're looking at me,
I wonder why,
Do they think I did a crime?
The silence presents short,
Thinking of a last resort,
The waves whisper,
My lone problems to eager.
But the waves don't know,
That on the opposite of the window
Content and thankful I am
For the live's crude and cloudy cream. 

From "Volumul Istorie Opusă/Opposing History"

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Orange and Caramel Tea

Amber flows of flavours in delicate array,
A waterfall sweet, alchemy alike survey,
Tastes of a new boundary, I can embrace,
As a fragrant smile, it makes me trace.

Glided essence, spun sunlight's nuzzle.
Precious gems, a trapping puzzle,
In hues of stars, where universe aligns,
Building love for their heavenly designs.

With each sip, I journey through delight,
Blend of orange warmth, her guise flight,
For in simple ritual, affection finds plea,
In the timeless dances of orange caramel tea.


From "Volumul Pot sa-ți spun ceva?/Can I tell you something?"

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Tell me sweet little lies

The leaking mind of a lover, an ambitious perpetrator, a strategic confectioner...
Tell me sweet little lies,
Fulfill my heart with deceitfulness,
Make me wish for an abstract portrait of emotions.
Take my heart as evidence,
Of the things I'm doing and I'll do,
A stolen dance of nothing to write about,
The surge of a caring person.
And you, my dearest,
A mushroom left in the dark to grow,
But as a surveyor of the black shroud, I observe...
The night lights are low, and you my dear, you cannot grow.

"From "Volumul Floare de piatră/Stone Flower""


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Calls of hunger

Sounds of falling grinds of iron,
Calls by my core sadly agitation,
Patience and hunger I shall hold,
Cherry tea sweet as precious gold.

Because I'm starving for completion,
Thinking for my mind an eviction,
Snatched by shadows' grasp,
Beautiful banana cake to handclasp.

But empty both the core and mind,
Patiently for your precious astound,
Waiting for the sauvorous clash of lips,
Pair of hands flourish as eternal chips.


From "Volumul Pot sa-ți spun ceva?/Can I tell you something?"

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