

The deepest of the nights got me searching,
As your stunning beauty is like a bright lightning,
And I stay observing bit by bit, your beauty to cover,
A million words on the mind, only a few on the paper.

The eyes, so cordial, the heart's desire to burn grows,
A wild wood oak caressing, as my mind flows,
The velvet whisperers, the calming storytellers,
Portraying happy as my my ear's ambassadors.

The endless rows of tresses of the moonlight,
Making it way on my eyes as a wavelength,
 Your face bridge, an ongoing war between us,
Well put and complementary with no use of anxious

Thus, in this portrait, beauty finds its place,
A tapestry of synonyms, interlace,
Each feature a verse, in life's grand embrace,
A face, a poem, of elegance and grace.

Thy artwork pillar, so raffinate, yet so rowdy,
To not appreciate it would be a sad tragedy,
By an felt of the tips, I'm losing my religion,
Something so far to feel, yet so close to addiction.

The core my dearest, reminder the reason that it's just,
All my life close to hold and push mine to your against.
Body's midrift, clear meadow, road to all that is right,
Crazed beauty, deserving of eternal twilight.

Swaying curves of yours, how much they fascinate,
On thy worship I wish I was a sole candidate,
Gam am peds, shy and happy perfect structure,
The only worldly thing is impossible to caricature.

Within her, beauty claims its rightful space,
A marble masterpiece, with elegance and grace,
Every aspect a verse, in heart's tender embrace,
My beautiful sparrow, a poem, in life's enchanting race.

From "Volumul Istorie Opusă/Opposing History"

Category: Love poems

All author's poems: Andrei Lehanceanu poezii.online Atlas

Date of posting: 21 октября 2024

Views: 134

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A locuit și încă locuiește!

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Other poems by the author

Orange and Caramel Tea

Amber flows of flavours in delicate array,
A waterfall sweet, alchemy alike survey,
Tastes of a new boundary, I can embrace,
As a fragrant smile, it makes me trace.

Glided essence, spun sunlight's nuzzle.
Precious gems, a trapping puzzle,
In hues of stars, where universe aligns,
Building love for their heavenly designs.

With each sip, I journey through delight,
Blend of orange warmth, her guise flight,
For in simple ritual, affection finds plea,
In the timeless dances of orange caramel tea.


From "Volumul Pot sa-ți spun ceva?/Can I tell you something?"

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Intre ceruri raze de cristal străbat
Adierea vântului, de liniștiții nori carat
Rozmarin împleticit în dorințe argintii
Iar parcă simt-cel gust al frunzelor alămii

Mai ca-ș depicta aromă dulce
Ierburilor cerești confuz fugace
Escală a gândurilor spre dorință
Sute de mirosuri al nasului înalță

Tot parcă aș povesti cum și ce
Esență de visuri tăcute, afazice
Date de dorință în lacrimi de argint
Odată ploaie de nestemate căzută pe pământ

Rozmarin format în copacii de cristal
De pus clepsidră, al timpului ritual
Etern as aștepta a sa lentă mutare
Timp de gândire, spre a ta întâmpinare

Iar vreau să spun că a ta prezență grăiesc
Nori de scorțișoară și rozmarin îmi doresc
Emoții cu gust, aș dori în doi ivesc.

Din "Volumul Ceai de portocale și scorțișoară"

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Smile of Ink

As the ink flows, her beautiful smile flowers grow,
Reminded in the monochrome colors, like history covers.

But uncharted I see the rows, how easily my heart vows,
Like Sisyphus and the boulders, the lone soul charters.

A pilgrimage to her core to take, thy beliefs to overtake.
Journey on mystery, discovering her mind gallery.

Patiently the wait I make, for her words as sweet as cake.
A cozy old bakery, alike our storytelling diery.

Our ambience of ink, a sweet old smile will link.
My view still conceal, this artwork a beautiful dual.

So let my ambition cordial, your true eyes of crystal.
The wish which I think, is our distance to shrink.

From "Volumul Pot sa-ți spun ceva?/Can I tell you something?

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A pint of tea

In the garden of love, where whispers entwine,
Your presence transforms the mundane to divine.
With each step, you scatter colors so bright,
Illuminating the darkest corners of night.
A pint of tea, the purest kind, a warming of my heart's delight,
Your whisper calming and without a blight, makes me feel untied.
The first words I stole were full of light, Forging the bonding that is right.
Flavours of future makes me wish, for us two to flourish.
In pressure of the heat, your white heart begins to glow,
On the shadowy rain my love starts to grow.
United in ideals, our bonding shall bestrow.
In the silence of the garden I hear, a melody to my ear.
Boiled up with lot's of sugar, a pint of tea of kindness,
A short message, waiting for my heart to address
"I love you" my soul caresses.


"Volumul Istorie Opusă/Opposing History"

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Stealing stars

Quiet whispers of the night,
under the watchful moon's soft light,
My heart traverses miles, vast and wide,
to where you dream on the other side.
For you fly in realms far from mine,
across the span where stars align.
To bridge the gap, the distance cruel,
with words as tools, love precious fuel.
In dreams, I reach to steal you near,
dissolve the miles, remove the fear.
A whispered wish in the night embrace,
longing for your gentle grace.
Through screens and words, love's conveyed,
on the silent moments, our hopes laid
Little sparrow, my heart's soft call,
yearning for the day we end this stall.
To steal you from the bonds of space,
into my arms, our perfect place.

From "Volumul Istorie Opusă/Opposing History"

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White waves

With my sole embrace
In a closed space,
I sit down, on an chair
To think about the judge that is fair.
White waves I see in the sky,
They're looking at me,
I wonder why,
Do they think I did a crime?
The silence presents short,
Thinking of a last resort,
The waves whisper,
My lone problems to eager.
But the waves don't know,
That on the opposite of the window
Content and thankful I am
For the live's crude and cloudy cream. 

From "Volumul Istorie Opusă/Opposing History"

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