
Emerald Breeze

From the cold northern winds that shall blow,
Inviting the green pages to a dance to endow,
Emerald breeze coming rushed to new bestow,
Of the trees and meadows to give another glow.

An old oak with deep wings and strong crown,
Fearful of the haze of coming like a black pawn,
Caring for his green display, not to be thrown,
Worried about the incoming windcalls, unknown.

With the emerald breeze arrived, tree's fearsome,
Assumed oak, accepting the fate lonesome,
Does not expect the force not to be troublesome,
The judgement of the wind, often gruesome.

But gentle gale the menacing breeze shows,
Admiration for his new green lips sweet brows,
Surprised, the old oak present promise, vows,
The emerald breeze would not fear, and bows.


From "Volumul Pot sa-ți spun ceva?/Can I tell you something?"

Category: Poems about nature

All author's poems: Andrei Lehanceanu poezii.online Emerald Breeze

Date of posting: 21 октября

Views: 5

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Când nimeni nu cere răspunsul primit,

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Ich liebe Regen


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Verrückt und nackt!


Es ist der Regen an den Fenstern, der schrill fällt,

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Wenn niemand den Blick nach einer Referenz fragt,

Ich erzähle niemandem, nicht einmal mir selbst, was ich hoffe

Eine präsente Sonne!


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en diamètre.


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Other poems by the author

Burden of Words

In the realm where shadows softly dwell,
Amidst the Burden of Words I tell,
As a surveyor of the black shroud's veil,
I watch her art, like stars, prevail.

Through her eyes, a universe unfurls,
A sanctuary from the mundane swirls,
Where art becomes a tender embrace,
Transcending time, filling space.

With brush and ink, her spirit soars,
Each stroke a whisper, each hue adores,
Gravure's touch, a delicate dance,
Revealing love's eternal trance.

In compositions, symphonies arise,
Arranging dreams beneath moonlit skies,
In "Tolerant" tones, a love that grows,
Embracing change, where passion flows.

"Reflections" cast in shimmering light,
Mirroring hearts, in the still of night,
"Echoes of Silhouettes on Paper" glide,
Chasing truths, where dreams abide.

And "Mother" stands, a timeless muse,
In her gaze, love's sweet fuse,
In every line, her warmth conveys,
A love that lasts through endless days.

So from afar, in awe I bow,
In her art, I now truly found my vow,
For in each stroke, love's essence I see,
In "Foundations in Aquafortis," words set free.


From "Volumul Pot sa-ți spun ceva?/Can I tell you something?"

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Stealing stars

Quiet whispers of the night,
under the watchful moon's soft light,
My heart traverses miles, vast and wide,
to where you dream on the other side.
For you fly in realms far from mine,
across the span where stars align.
To bridge the gap, the distance cruel,
with words as tools, love precious fuel.
In dreams, I reach to steal you near,
dissolve the miles, remove the fear.
A whispered wish in the night embrace,
longing for your gentle grace.
Through screens and words, love's conveyed,
on the silent moments, our hopes laid
Little sparrow, my heart's soft call,
yearning for the day we end this stall.
To steal you from the bonds of space,
into my arms, our perfect place.

From "Volumul Istorie Opusă/Opposing History"

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Grey Memories

Timber swan of the lake, fragile dreams u used to carry,
In the azure river, you let the water be your foundry,
And as the sky promises, grey memories only wishes,
But wings like roots, might fly your wings ashes.

The sun old trickster, holder of the molten aspirations,
Would fool you, and watch for your every actions,
Blazing your vision, asking for your majestic flight,
Won't wait to burn you, for it's sadistic delight.

So you fly, the mirror waters guide your way.
Old sleeping god, whispers melancholic astray,
You're only left with past sad memories, grey,
As the higher you rise, ash you being to convey.

From "Volumul Istorie Opusă/Opposing History"

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Mileage Viewership

Might dreams dance on walls, in halls of reverie,
I found the magic of a sweet tune, your referee,
Lay the presence of silent columns, thy call melody,
End-like ancient glorious war songs, I oath heraldry.

Nameless kind gestures, that the finger guide,
Aboard your portet of emotions, I observe anode,
Velvet sheets of yours, born in purple like byzantine,
Idyllic words about their flight, like old royal divine.

Endless stories I'll tell, there legacy to conserve.
Running waves of the red sea, your misty cursive,
Unison they shall sing, sagas of your light exclusive

From "Volumul Pot sa-ți spun ceva?/Can I tell you something?"

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If you only knew

The sentences I've told weren't lies.
That you describe every letter in perfect.
Thy love I could hold for ages.
How much your words could attract...

If you only knew...
How much a broken heart can love.
From my eyes, my overview.
For my dizzy soul to involve..

"Volumul Istorie Opusă/Opposing History"

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A pint of tea

In the garden of love, where whispers entwine,
Your presence transforms the mundane to divine.
With each step, you scatter colors so bright,
Illuminating the darkest corners of night.
A pint of tea, the purest kind, a warming of my heart's delight,
Your whisper calming and without a blight, makes me feel untied.
The first words I stole were full of light, Forging the bonding that is right.
Flavours of future makes me wish, for us two to flourish.
In pressure of the heat, your white heart begins to glow,
On the shadowy rain my love starts to grow.
United in ideals, our bonding shall bestrow.
In the silence of the garden I hear, a melody to my ear.
Boiled up with lot's of sugar, a pint of tea of kindness,
A short message, waiting for my heart to address
"I love you" my soul caresses.


"Volumul Istorie Opusă/Opposing History"

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