Mazing silence
In the quiet of the night, anxiety creeps,
A relentless shadow, when the world sleeps.
Messages sent, but no replies come,
Each passing moment feels like a drum
Each notification, a hopeful spark ignites,
But silence echoes, extinguishing the lights.
In the depths of worry, I drown and fall,
Lost in the maze of an unanswered call.
Her absence echoes like a silent scream,
In the hollow chambers of a shattered dream.
Questions dance, in the caverns of my mind,
Seeking solace, but solace is hard to find.
What if she's lost interest, or found another?
The thought alone makes my heart shudder.
But amidst the chaos, a glimmer remains,
That perhaps, in her silence, there's no disdain.
From "Volumul Pot sa-ți spun ceva?/Can I tell you something?"
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