
Mazing silence

In the quiet of the night, anxiety creeps,
A relentless shadow, when the world sleeps.
Messages sent, but no replies come,
Each passing moment feels like a drum

Each notification, a hopeful spark ignites,
But silence echoes, extinguishing the lights.
In the depths of worry, I drown and fall,
Lost in the maze of an unanswered call.

Her absence echoes like a silent scream,
In the hollow chambers of a shattered dream.
Questions dance, in the caverns of my mind,
Seeking solace, but solace is hard to find.

What if she's lost interest, or found another?
The thought alone makes my heart shudder.
But amidst the chaos, a glimmer remains,
That perhaps, in her silence, there's no disdain.


From "Volumul Pot sa-ți spun ceva?/Can I tell you something?"

Category: Love poems

All author's poems: Andrei Lehanceanu poezii.online Mazing silence

Date of posting: 21 октября

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Tu ești doar dragoste nebună,

Fie de-o clipă sau poate-o veșnicie!

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Neînfricată ai fost dar și frumoasă tare!

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Nu au egal în strălucire,

Și poartă pietre prețioase,

Smaralde și safire!

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Furtună într-un pahar cu apă,

Ce contează!?

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Nici moartea n-o poate omorâ!

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Iar ființele-s amor la rândul lor

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Nimic nu-i mai presus de-acestea,

Și totuși lipsit de rațiune este amorul!

Nebunul cu chip frumos

Ce minte fermecat pe toată lumea,

Actor desăvârșit a fost sortit,

Discernământ nu are!

Se vrea doar consumat,trăit,

Și viețuiește precum un pește,

Ce cade-n plasa de pescari,

Se zbate ca să moară totuși în final,

Apoi renaște din propria-i țărână,

Precum pasărea Phoenix face;

Neștiind ce soartă crudă are,

Dar astăzi încă viețuiește;

Parând să prindă chip sau ființă nouă!

Despre amor aduc vorbire;

Aș vrea să-l văd pe cel ce știe să-l ucidă!

Dar știu că nu există!

Iubirea mea încă trăiește pentru tine,

Chiar de se zbate în visele confuze,

Are un ego doar al ei ,n-are rușine,

Și orice-i spun nu mă aude,

Amor,dragoste sau iubire

Am mai spus-o,

Nu sunt decât nemuritoarea nebunie!

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Te iubesc cum lumea na ştiut

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Aşa cum eu pot să iubesc

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Nu poate-o lume s-ănţeleagă

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Nu poate-o lume sa gindească

Cum eu la tine ma gindesc

Nu poate-o lume s-amintească

Cum eu de tine-mi amintesc


Nu poate-o lume sa traiască

Mai mult ca dragostea din mine

Nu poate-o lume ca sa ţină

Aşa de mult cum ţin la tine



Nu poate-o lume s-amintească

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You're like a phonenix in the sky, 

Reborning from the ashes, 

And came right next to me, 

And sitting right next to my chest, 

This make me lose my mind. 

Just the way you look at me 

Make me feel like I am nobody. 

Your blood is like a river who flows on my veins ;

I'm drowning in your blood 

The power you have it's pushing me away, 

Away from the world, 

Away from you, 

Away from everything. 

You’re like a lost cherry on the ground when you wore that cherry blossom parfume

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Să poți avea o clipă

Muiată-n stropul fericirii,

Și să răsară un fir,

O floare a simțirii.


Apleacă-ți privirea,

Dă-mi speranțe așteptate,

Sentimentul ascuns

Al unei iubiri neuitate.


Culege lumina din stele,

Laur în patina vieții,

O umbră a bucuriei

Din ramura tinereții.


Plăcutele vise, dorite,

Leagănă o melodie

Pe firul unui gând

Ce sub sentimente adie.




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Eu fara tine

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Pasare fara aripi,

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Ce îl vei simti uneori

Și iubirea mea va fi pentru totdeauna aceeasi 

Și uite asa mai zburași

În mintea mea de roz fluturași

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Other poems by the author

Ink Flows

Like ink on paper
Old and new memories answer
Vague thoughts into wishes
Each puddle, a story flashes

Yet, in ink I wrote
Our ambience simply on a note
Uncut emotions on a pen
Use of your beauty, sweet awaken

From "Volumul Pot sa-ți spun ceva?/Can I tell you something?"

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Burden of Words

In the realm where shadows softly dwell,
Amidst the Burden of Words I tell,
As a surveyor of the black shroud's veil,
I watch her art, like stars, prevail.

Through her eyes, a universe unfurls,
A sanctuary from the mundane swirls,
Where art becomes a tender embrace,
Transcending time, filling space.

With brush and ink, her spirit soars,
Each stroke a whisper, each hue adores,
Gravure's touch, a delicate dance,
Revealing love's eternal trance.

In compositions, symphonies arise,
Arranging dreams beneath moonlit skies,
In "Tolerant" tones, a love that grows,
Embracing change, where passion flows.

"Reflections" cast in shimmering light,
Mirroring hearts, in the still of night,
"Echoes of Silhouettes on Paper" glide,
Chasing truths, where dreams abide.

And "Mother" stands, a timeless muse,
In her gaze, love's sweet fuse,
In every line, her warmth conveys,
A love that lasts through endless days.

So from afar, in awe I bow,
In her art, I now truly found my vow,
For in each stroke, love's essence I see,
In "Foundations in Aquafortis," words set free.


From "Volumul Pot sa-ți spun ceva?/Can I tell you something?"

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Smile of Ink

As the ink flows, her beautiful smile flowers grow,
Reminded in the monochrome colors, like history covers.

But uncharted I see the rows, how easily my heart vows,
Like Sisyphus and the boulders, the lone soul charters.

A pilgrimage to her core to take, thy beliefs to overtake.
Journey on mystery, discovering her mind gallery.

Patiently the wait I make, for her words as sweet as cake.
A cozy old bakery, alike our storytelling diery.

Our ambience of ink, a sweet old smile will link.
My view still conceal, this artwork a beautiful dual.

So let my ambition cordial, your true eyes of crystal.
The wish which I think, is our distance to shrink.

From "Volumul Pot sa-ți spun ceva?/Can I tell you something?

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A pint of tea

In the garden of love, where whispers entwine,
Your presence transforms the mundane to divine.
With each step, you scatter colors so bright,
Illuminating the darkest corners of night.
A pint of tea, the purest kind, a warming of my heart's delight,
Your whisper calming and without a blight, makes me feel untied.
The first words I stole were full of light, Forging the bonding that is right.
Flavours of future makes me wish, for us two to flourish.
In pressure of the heat, your white heart begins to glow,
On the shadowy rain my love starts to grow.
United in ideals, our bonding shall bestrow.
In the silence of the garden I hear, a melody to my ear.
Boiled up with lot's of sugar, a pint of tea of kindness,
A short message, waiting for my heart to address
"I love you" my soul caresses.


"Volumul Istorie Opusă/Opposing History"

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Bittersweet Kisses

I was searching the late realm,
Laddering the core bookcase,
Opening every script and psalm.
Vehement emotions for collapse,

Each drop of blood surveying for
Your precious bittersweet kisses,
Odyssey adventures to my endeavor,
Uplifting me to your happy promises.


From "Volumul Pot sa-ți spun ceva?/Can I tell you something?"

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The Amphitheater

With the lights on, the amphitheater rises into the scenic congeries of emotions.

And sitting in a chair.

I look in my front seeing a little ghost reading a poem, this poem, with a lot of beauty and courage she looked at the empty chairs seeing only me applauding the interpretation.

The ghost ashamed fled to the left exit whispering millions of words in an uncertain time, every word, letter sounds different and invokes different emotion and feelings.

Now...the ghost departed
The Lights no longer light the historic amphitheater
Only the poem read by the ghost remained in my mind

I started to repeat the poem over and over again until the light turned on again
Somebody applauding me from far

I realised that I was the ghost whose life is
like history...

It repeats itself.


"From "Volumul Sub fosta lumină/Under the last light""

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