

In the hush of the night, a symphony breaks,
A duet of hearts, with strings that ache.
Melodies of love now lost in the air,
Echoes of whispers, tender and rare.
Each note a tear, a gentle lament,
As the chords of affection slowly relent.
Sorrow swells in the crescendo of goodbye,
Yet beneath it all, a caring sigh.
For in this parting, a bittersweet refrain,
Where memories linger, softly remain.
Though paths diverge, and distance grows wide,
Compassion lingers, a comforting guide.
In the quiet aftermath of our shared tale,
Echoes of kindness, like a gentle gale.
Each verse a tribute to the love we knew,
A testament to the care that once drew.
So let this symphony of farewell play,
With sadness and caring, in every sway.
For though we part, our souls intertwined,
In the music of love, forever enshrined.

From "Volumul Istorie Opusă/Opposing History"

Category: Parting poems

All author's poems: Andrei Lehanceanu poezii.online Symphony

Date of posting: 21 октября

Views: 5

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-Dar știi îmi plac .

Puțin am roșit,dar elevul cela mă făcut să cred în mine,

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Daca mainile tale trebuie sa se rupa mai mult decat maruntisurile din camera noastra,te poti sprijinii pe bratul meu chiar si atunci cand imi frangi inima.

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A apus

Te ai indepartat.

Te ai sters ca o ploaie de vara,

Te ai urcat intr un tren al uitarii

Si ai disparut.


Au ramas poze.

Sunt o dovada vie a unei amintiri ce sta sa dispara

Au ramas ganduri.

Sunt o dovada a trairilor intense ce stau sa apuna.


S-a dus.

Te ai dus pe o mare indepartata,

Mi ai facut cu mana din barca aceea

Era oare o corabie?

Sau era doar o salupa?


S-a stins.

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S-au sters amintirile.


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I ai oferit visele


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Astept sa apuna luna

La fel cum au apus amintirile


S-a stins.

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Astept corabia la mal…

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Other poems by the author

My mirror demon

Who are you from the other side?
Why are you looking at the same thing as me?
What are you if I'm not sure if that's me?

I see you my whole life, an entity different and at the same time as like the other entities.
Just a demon who nobody knows what is having in mind, whose mind can go to the invisible universe to just read a poem
You could be...the person who read this, you can't see inside me...me neither
But why I'm so sure...
Why I see only you in my mirror

Now I wonder...
What you see into that chaotic reflection ?
Just you or a person who you don't know who exists...?


"From "Volumul Sub fosta lumină/Under the last light""

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A pint of tea

In the garden of love, where whispers entwine,
Your presence transforms the mundane to divine.
With each step, you scatter colors so bright,
Illuminating the darkest corners of night.
A pint of tea, the purest kind, a warming of my heart's delight,
Your whisper calming and without a blight, makes me feel untied.
The first words I stole were full of light, Forging the bonding that is right.
Flavours of future makes me wish, for us two to flourish.
In pressure of the heat, your white heart begins to glow,
On the shadowy rain my love starts to grow.
United in ideals, our bonding shall bestrow.
In the silence of the garden I hear, a melody to my ear.
Boiled up with lot's of sugar, a pint of tea of kindness,
A short message, waiting for my heart to address
"I love you" my soul caresses.


"Volumul Istorie Opusă/Opposing History"

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Empty room

Just an empty room
Nothing to see...
Painted lyrics on the walls, so new, such a gracefully across my memory.
Nothing to feel...
Makes me think of the six element hug, that holds me safe and warm.
Nothing to think about...
But I'm still there...In front of an empty room, thinking about inexistent things, inexistent things that I need to give away from my mind, to leave behind whatever is equal to zero for me...
But how am I still looking at an empty room?
I don't know, maybe it's just a stupid interpretation of my blocked mind
...Nothing to know...
Run...Just run...You can do it, right...?
...Things my heart used to know,
Things it yearns to remember...
Just in vain...


"From "Volumul Sub fosta lumină/Under the last light""

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Tell me sweet little lies

The leaking mind of a lover, an ambitious perpetrator, a strategic confectioner...
Tell me sweet little lies,
Fulfill my heart with deceitfulness,
Make me wish for an abstract portrait of emotions.
Take my heart as evidence,
Of the things I'm doing and I'll do,
A stolen dance of nothing to write about,
The surge of a caring person.
And you, my dearest,
A mushroom left in the dark to grow,
But as a surveyor of the black shroud, I observe...
The night lights are low, and you my dear, you cannot grow.

"From "Volumul Floare de piatră/Stone Flower""


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The Amphitheater

With the lights on, the amphitheater rises into the scenic congeries of emotions.

And sitting in a chair.

I look in my front seeing a little ghost reading a poem, this poem, with a lot of beauty and courage she looked at the empty chairs seeing only me applauding the interpretation.

The ghost ashamed fled to the left exit whispering millions of words in an uncertain time, every word, letter sounds different and invokes different emotion and feelings.

Now...the ghost departed
The Lights no longer light the historic amphitheater
Only the poem read by the ghost remained in my mind

I started to repeat the poem over and over again until the light turned on again
Somebody applauding me from far

I realised that I was the ghost whose life is
like history...

It repeats itself.


"From "Volumul Sub fosta lumină/Under the last light""

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Stealing stars

Quiet whispers of the night,
under the watchful moon's soft light,
My heart traverses miles, vast and wide,
to where you dream on the other side.
For you fly in realms far from mine,
across the span where stars align.
To bridge the gap, the distance cruel,
with words as tools, love precious fuel.
In dreams, I reach to steal you near,
dissolve the miles, remove the fear.
A whispered wish in the night embrace,
longing for your gentle grace.
Through screens and words, love's conveyed,
on the silent moments, our hopes laid
Little sparrow, my heart's soft call,
yearning for the day we end this stall.
To steal you from the bonds of space,
into my arms, our perfect place.

From "Volumul Istorie Opusă/Opposing History"

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