

In the hush of the night, a symphony breaks,
A duet of hearts, with strings that ache.
Melodies of love now lost in the air,
Echoes of whispers, tender and rare.
Each note a tear, a gentle lament,
As the chords of affection slowly relent.
Sorrow swells in the crescendo of goodbye,
Yet beneath it all, a caring sigh.
For in this parting, a bittersweet refrain,
Where memories linger, softly remain.
Though paths diverge, and distance grows wide,
Compassion lingers, a comforting guide.
In the quiet aftermath of our shared tale,
Echoes of kindness, like a gentle gale.
Each verse a tribute to the love we knew,
A testament to the care that once drew.
So let this symphony of farewell play,
With sadness and caring, in every sway.
For though we part, our souls intertwined,
In the music of love, forever enshrined.

From "Volumul Istorie Opusă/Opposing History"

Category: Parting poems

All author's poems: Andrei Lehanceanu poezii.online Symphony

Date of posting: 21 октября

Views: 88

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Soare îmi vei reîntoarce,

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Lângă chipul tău tăcut.


 (În a șaptea așteptare/ part 3)

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Other poems by the author

Chitaristul de la 48

Vastele căi, timpurii cuvinte ale sufletului cheie
Rochia rece a vântului, veșmânt alb de
Emanări a două note, sentimente inimii gazde
Acum oferind numai ale sufletului versuri
Urechii blânde trecătoare să lase dor de șoade,
Stătătoare versuri care,
A mea repetată venire, nefericire a două aure
Trecătoare note-n vânt
Est al culoarului, vechi gânduri în urmă lăsând
Partituri de nedescris
Undelemn pentru amândoi, pe foaia albă
Pandantiv nevăzut de mulți, pentru ce-i decis.


Din "Volumul Ceai de portocale și scorțișoară"

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Emerald Breeze

From the cold northern winds that shall blow,
Inviting the green pages to a dance to endow,
Emerald breeze coming rushed to new bestow,
Of the trees and meadows to give another glow.

An old oak with deep wings and strong crown,
Fearful of the haze of coming like a black pawn,
Caring for his green display, not to be thrown,
Worried about the incoming windcalls, unknown.

With the emerald breeze arrived, tree's fearsome,
Assumed oak, accepting the fate lonesome,
Does not expect the force not to be troublesome,
The judgement of the wind, often gruesome.

But gentle gale the menacing breeze shows,
Admiration for his new green lips sweet brows,
Surprised, the old oak present promise, vows,
The emerald breeze would not fear, and bows.


From "Volumul Pot sa-ți spun ceva?/Can I tell you something?"

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Dulce acrișor

Peste liniștitele câmpii,
Iar cât n-aș da pentru a auzi
Savoarea cuvintelor tăcute
Izvor de fapte prin ochii trecute
Cum a ta subtilă gingășie
Și ca o floare, frumoasă tapițerie
Ierni întregi aș admira
Magnolia rece, dulce înfășura
Atat suflet cât și trup
Tot aș da dar să nu te rup.

Cum ai putea să vi cu mine?
Umilă floare, oferiți-ai liniștite caline

De vi de tot, în palme te-aș ține
Rostesc cu drag, frumos bujor,
Ar fi perfect și fără dor
Gust color, dulce acrișor.

Din "Volumul Ceai de portocale și scorțișoară"

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Doll face

Once you find a doll, a beauty doll, founded on an unstable narrative thread, a narrative thread who is hard to find, the same narrative thread who makes a lot of sundry types of dolls.

Once time staring at that doll, you saw a winking, not your winking, not the doll winking, your chaotic imagination winked at the piece of yarn, that piece of yarn...so tempting to take it in the hand. For the first time you see that missing button on the doll face.

Taking the needle in the hand, you started to search the button, the seconds transformed in moments of endless depression and fear... Unresisting, being unprepared for what's happening, you got up.

Seeing that the button who takes the place of an eye on the face of the doll was in your hand.

Putting the thread in the needle and then in the button you started sewing...

And you are happy once more time


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Smile of Ink

As the ink flows, her beautiful smile flowers grow,
Reminded in the monochrome colors, like history covers.

But uncharted I see the rows, how easily my heart vows,
Like Sisyphus and the boulders, the lone soul charters.

A pilgrimage to her core to take, thy beliefs to overtake.
Journey on mystery, discovering her mind gallery.

Patiently the wait I make, for her words as sweet as cake.
A cozy old bakery, alike our storytelling diery.

Our ambience of ink, a sweet old smile will link.
My view still conceal, this artwork a beautiful dual.

So let my ambition cordial, your true eyes of crystal.
The wish which I think, is our distance to shrink.

From "Volumul Pot sa-ți spun ceva?/Can I tell you something?

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As the survey becomes silent,
As the truth remains afloat,
I embraced the duty destined for myself,
Of working in my dark mind's delf.
But I still beg,
The other's carriage to bootleg,
Like the small daughter of the sea,
To be struck and rendered null like a flea.
And yet,
I lay plagued by the need of a break,
The final blow, the sadness of the weak,
A sumptuous and endless banquet.


"From "Volumul Floare de piatră/Stone Flower""

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