
Doll face

Once you find a doll, a beauty doll, founded on an unstable narrative thread, a narrative thread who is hard to find, the same narrative thread who makes a lot of sundry types of dolls.

Once time staring at that doll, you saw a winking, not your winking, not the doll winking, your chaotic imagination winked at the piece of yarn, that piece of yarn...so tempting to take it in the hand. For the first time you see that missing button on the doll face.

Taking the needle in the hand, you started to search the button, the seconds transformed in moments of endless depression and fear... Unresisting, being unprepared for what's happening, you got up.

Seeing that the button who takes the place of an eye on the face of the doll was in your hand.

Putting the thread in the needle and then in the button you started sewing...

And you are happy once more time


"From "Volumul Sub fosta lumină/Under the last light""

Category: Philosophical poem

All author's poems: Andrei Lehanceanu poezii.online Doll face

Date of posting: 21 октября 2024

Views: 134

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Stare de fapt


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Să ştie că-i bucuros până şi ultima vietate.


Mi-aş consuma toată energia pe care o deţin,

Să fac comunicabilă starea mea de fericire,

Şi n-aş regreta dacă apoi pe picioare nu mă mai ţin,

Ori dacă mi-ar pieri vocea sau să cad în orbire.


Beat de eternitate şi atras de infinit,

Mă prăvălesc prin spaţii ca o figură solară,

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Other poems by the author

Gând tăcut

Tremură inima când te simt mai departe,
Ecvestră teamă mă strânge, mă roade în noapte.
Vegherea-ți fuge și mă lasă-n tăcere,
Răpitoare umbre de îndoieli ce mă sperie, mă cere.

Eclipsă de lumină, prins în lanțuri de gânduri,
A te cucerii în nevăzute fapte și dulci rânduri.
Unice minuni din dorință, din teamă profundă,
Literele să-ți capteze atenția ce pare să ascundă.

A inimii bătaie, înfrântă și goală,
Novice dragostei mele e un cântec ce cheamă.
Gânditor sperând că va răspunde, că va veni,
A o îmbrățișă, spunându-mi a mă odihni.

-Mi este dor s-o văd, și frica mă apasă,
Iar timpul trece iute, că clipa e sfioasă,
Numai sper ca-ntr-o zi, când zorii vor veni,
Emancipare a ochilor, și teama va pieri.

Din "Volumul Ceai de portocale și scorțișoară"

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Burden of Words

In the realm where shadows softly dwell,
Amidst the Burden of Words I tell,
As a surveyor of the black shroud's veil,
I watch her art, like stars, prevail.

Through her eyes, a universe unfurls,
A sanctuary from the mundane swirls,
Where art becomes a tender embrace,
Transcending time, filling space.

With brush and ink, her spirit soars,
Each stroke a whisper, each hue adores,
Gravure's touch, a delicate dance,
Revealing love's eternal trance.

In compositions, symphonies arise,
Arranging dreams beneath moonlit skies,
In "Tolerant" tones, a love that grows,
Embracing change, where passion flows.

"Reflections" cast in shimmering light,
Mirroring hearts, in the still of night,
"Echoes of Silhouettes on Paper" glide,
Chasing truths, where dreams abide.

And "Mother" stands, a timeless muse,
In her gaze, love's sweet fuse,
In every line, her warmth conveys,
A love that lasts through endless days.

So from afar, in awe I bow,
In her art, I now truly found my vow,
For in each stroke, love's essence I see,
In "Foundations in Aquafortis," words set free.


From "Volumul Pot sa-ți spun ceva?/Can I tell you something?"

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In the hush of the night, a symphony breaks,
A duet of hearts, with strings that ache.
Melodies of love now lost in the air,
Echoes of whispers, tender and rare.
Each note a tear, a gentle lament,
As the chords of affection slowly relent.
Sorrow swells in the crescendo of goodbye,
Yet beneath it all, a caring sigh.
For in this parting, a bittersweet refrain,
Where memories linger, softly remain.
Though paths diverge, and distance grows wide,
Compassion lingers, a comforting guide.
In the quiet aftermath of our shared tale,
Echoes of kindness, like a gentle gale.
Each verse a tribute to the love we knew,
A testament to the care that once drew.
So let this symphony of farewell play,
With sadness and caring, in every sway.
For though we part, our souls intertwined,
In the music of love, forever enshrined.

From "Volumul Istorie Opusă/Opposing History"

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Winds blew me to the sky as an unworthy guest,
Flown to the dreamy times without a request,
Liberating the thought in me like a bird,
Hugging me like a lover without a word.
A tourist to my own ascension, own right, without imagination.
In the far, a golden gate, a numb fade, my adventure to deteriorate.
I saw it from afar, I sense it, she's my collar.
Shortly slowing me to sail, her sky seas to spoil.
Petrified by acceptance, the golden gate shrinks,
As her luminous white sky seas presents leaks,
In vain I try, her precious golden not to bury,
A sole tourist trying, not his golden mistress to worry.
Lost in the huge expanse of celestial seas,
I drift amidst whispers of untold and forgotten pleas.
Her golden gate now a distant and warming gleam,
An illusion shattered, a fractured dream.
Yet still, I journey on, with hope in my heart,
Though torn apart, I refuse to depart.
For amidst the chaos and the black stormy gale,
I seek redemption, a tale to unveil.
Through trials and tribulations, I persevere,
For within her realm, lies what I hold dear.
A truth to discover, a destiny to fulfill,
Though battered and bruised, I climb uphill.


From "Volumul Istorie Opusă/Opposing History"

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Bittersweet Kisses

I was searching the late realm,
Laddering the core bookcase,
Opening every script and psalm.
Vehement emotions for collapse,

Each drop of blood surveying for
Your precious bittersweet kisses,
Odyssey adventures to my endeavor,
Uplifting me to your happy promises.


From "Volumul Pot sa-ți spun ceva?/Can I tell you something?"

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Stealing stars

Quiet whispers of the night,
under the watchful moon's soft light,
My heart traverses miles, vast and wide,
to where you dream on the other side.
For you fly in realms far from mine,
across the span where stars align.
To bridge the gap, the distance cruel,
with words as tools, love precious fuel.
In dreams, I reach to steal you near,
dissolve the miles, remove the fear.
A whispered wish in the night embrace,
longing for your gentle grace.
Through screens and words, love's conveyed,
on the silent moments, our hopes laid
Little sparrow, my heart's soft call,
yearning for the day we end this stall.
To steal you from the bonds of space,
into my arms, our perfect place.

From "Volumul Istorie Opusă/Opposing History"

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