

Winds blew me to the sky as an unworthy guest,
Flown to the dreamy times without a request,
Liberating the thought in me like a bird,
Hugging me like a lover without a word.
A tourist to my own ascension, own right, without imagination.
In the far, a golden gate, a numb fade, my adventure to deteriorate.
I saw it from afar, I sense it, she's my collar.
Shortly slowing me to sail, her sky seas to spoil.
Petrified by acceptance, the golden gate shrinks,
As her luminous white sky seas presents leaks,
In vain I try, her precious golden not to bury,
A sole tourist trying, not his golden mistress to worry.
Lost in the huge expanse of celestial seas,
I drift amidst whispers of untold and forgotten pleas.
Her golden gate now a distant and warming gleam,
An illusion shattered, a fractured dream.
Yet still, I journey on, with hope in my heart,
Though torn apart, I refuse to depart.
For amidst the chaos and the black stormy gale,
I seek redemption, a tale to unveil.
Through trials and tribulations, I persevere,
For within her realm, lies what I hold dear.
A truth to discover, a destiny to fulfill,
Though battered and bruised, I climb uphill.


From "Volumul Istorie Opusă/Opposing History"

Category: Philosophical poem

All author's poems: Andrei Lehanceanu poezii.online Tourist

Date of posting: 21 октября

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Putreziciunea caută în suflet
prada neprihănită,
crescută din clipele curate
în care albul gândului
nutreşte speranţa curăţeniei
departe de mirosul
propriei putreziciuni,
moştenite din naşterea primară.
Simt calea din albul ochilor
prin lanul de oameni crucificaţi
doar pentru viitorul mileniilor.
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ruginite de lacrimi
să le înfigem în cer.
Prin văile ancestrale
curge sângele cruciaţilor,
brăzdând carapacea
credinţei până la pieire.
Un singur pământ,
o singură istorie
atârnă ca un fruct copt
în copacul crescut
din inima universului,
gata să guste iar
Pe o altă creangă
o floare se deschide
în preistoria unui alt fruct.

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De ,,Omenie,, însetată
La porți străine am vrut să o cerșesc,
S-o cumpăr, sau măcar să o privesc
Dar porțile prin lacăte mă gonesc.


Am dăruit iubire,
Cuvinte sfinte pe crengi de măslin
Gându-mi n-avea în el nimic meschin
Răsplata…un pahar plin cu pelin.


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Cărarea-i aridă,mă rătăcesc
De undeva doi ochi, blând mă privesc
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Ce-i ,,Omenia,, pe pământ.

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Tălpile-ţi goale strivesc

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Al timpurilor străvechi,

Iar trupul de carne-aburindă

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În lumina perfidă a lunii.

Şi marea se ridică

Peste sinele-ţi încins

Şi te scufundă

În adâncurile de nepătruns

Ale vieţii din tine.

Refluxul se-ntoarce

Cu raze de cuarţ

Ce-ţi scaldă trupul

Surghiunit de secetă.

Eşti adormit, iar fantezia nopţii trecute

E doar un mit în tine...

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Other poems by the author

My mirror demon

Who are you from the other side?
Why are you looking at the same thing as me?
What are you if I'm not sure if that's me?

I see you my whole life, an entity different and at the same time as like the other entities.
Just a demon who nobody knows what is having in mind, whose mind can go to the invisible universe to just read a poem
You could be...the person who read this, you can't see inside me...me neither
But why I'm so sure...
Why I see only you in my mirror

Now I wonder...
What you see into that chaotic reflection ?
Just you or a person who you don't know who exists...?


"From "Volumul Sub fosta lumină/Under the last light""

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Calls of hunger

Sounds of falling grinds of iron,
Calls by my core sadly agitation,
Patience and hunger I shall hold,
Cherry tea sweet as precious gold.

Because I'm starving for completion,
Thinking for my mind an eviction,
Snatched by shadows' grasp,
Beautiful banana cake to handclasp.

But empty both the core and mind,
Patiently for your precious astound,
Waiting for the sauvorous clash of lips,
Pair of hands flourish as eternal chips.


From "Volumul Pot sa-ți spun ceva?/Can I tell you something?"

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Timeless flavour

In the quiet morning, tea steams soft and warm,
As I sit, waiting to see you, my heart takes form.
Your voice, a melody, in the silence that rings,
Each word a symphony, that my soul eagerly clings.

With patience, I linger, for your presence near,
Anticipating hugs, that erases my every fear.
In this dance of love, we sway with ivory grace,
Embracing each moment, in this timeless space.

From "Volumul Pot sa-ți spun ceva?/Can I tell you something?"

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The Amphitheater

With the lights on, the amphitheater rises into the scenic congeries of emotions.

And sitting in a chair.

I look in my front seeing a little ghost reading a poem, this poem, with a lot of beauty and courage she looked at the empty chairs seeing only me applauding the interpretation.

The ghost ashamed fled to the left exit whispering millions of words in an uncertain time, every word, letter sounds different and invokes different emotion and feelings.

Now...the ghost departed
The Lights no longer light the historic amphitheater
Only the poem read by the ghost remained in my mind

I started to repeat the poem over and over again until the light turned on again
Somebody applauding me from far

I realised that I was the ghost whose life is
like history...

It repeats itself.


"From "Volumul Sub fosta lumină/Under the last light""

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A pint of tea

In the garden of love, where whispers entwine,
Your presence transforms the mundane to divine.
With each step, you scatter colors so bright,
Illuminating the darkest corners of night.
A pint of tea, the purest kind, a warming of my heart's delight,
Your whisper calming and without a blight, makes me feel untied.
The first words I stole were full of light, Forging the bonding that is right.
Flavours of future makes me wish, for us two to flourish.
In pressure of the heat, your white heart begins to glow,
On the shadowy rain my love starts to grow.
United in ideals, our bonding shall bestrow.
In the silence of the garden I hear, a melody to my ear.
Boiled up with lot's of sugar, a pint of tea of kindness,
A short message, waiting for my heart to address
"I love you" my soul caresses.


"Volumul Istorie Opusă/Opposing History"

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Stealing stars

Quiet whispers of the night,
under the watchful moon's soft light,
My heart traverses miles, vast and wide,
to where you dream on the other side.
For you fly in realms far from mine,
across the span where stars align.
To bridge the gap, the distance cruel,
with words as tools, love precious fuel.
In dreams, I reach to steal you near,
dissolve the miles, remove the fear.
A whispered wish in the night embrace,
longing for your gentle grace.
Through screens and words, love's conveyed,
on the silent moments, our hopes laid
Little sparrow, my heart's soft call,
yearning for the day we end this stall.
To steal you from the bonds of space,
into my arms, our perfect place.

From "Volumul Istorie Opusă/Opposing History"

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