

The deepest of the nights got me searching,
As your stunning beauty is like a bright lightning,
And I stay observing bit by bit, your beauty to cover,
A million words on the mind, only a few on the paper.

The eyes, so cordial, the heart's desire to burn grows,
A wild wood oak caressing, as my mind flows,
The velvet whisperers, the calming storytellers,
Portraying happy as my my ear's ambassadors.

The endless rows of tresses of the moonlight,
Making it way on my eyes as a wavelength,
 Your face bridge, an ongoing war between us,
Well put and complementary with no use of anxious

Thus, in this portrait, beauty finds its place,
A tapestry of synonyms, interlace,
Each feature a verse, in life's grand embrace,
A face, a poem, of elegance and grace.

Thy artwork pillar, so raffinate, yet so rowdy,
To not appreciate it would be a sad tragedy,
By an felt of the tips, I'm losing my religion,
Something so far to feel, yet so close to addiction.

The core my dearest, reminder the reason that it's just,
All my life close to hold and push mine to your against.
Body's midrift, clear meadow, road to all that is right,
Crazed beauty, deserving of eternal twilight.

Swaying curves of yours, how much they fascinate,
On thy worship I wish I was a sole candidate,
Gam am peds, shy and happy perfect structure,
The only worldly thing is impossible to caricature.

Within her, beauty claims its rightful space,
A marble masterpiece, with elegance and grace,
Every aspect a verse, in heart's tender embrace,
My beautiful sparrow, a poem, in life's enchanting race.

From "Volumul Istorie Opusă/Opposing History"

Категория: Стихи про любовь

Все стихи автора: Andrei Lehanceanu poezii.online Atlas

Дата публикации: 21 октября

Просмотры: 11

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Стихи из этой категории


Într-o seară plictisitoare;

Mă gândeam eu, cu ardoare,

Gândindu-mă la tine

Mi-am spus...In fine...

Nu pot sa cred...Am înțeles

C-am un ...




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For you my dear 4

Your voice is like a siren's melody,

You got me hypnotised,

And that's when i realised,

I was in a trance,

That only you can break if with me you dance.


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Acrimea dulcelui

Cel ce suferă

Prin trăiri negre și opace

Așteaptă privirea desfătării 

Să îl vadă în sticlă.


Cel ce suferă

Prin ceața acrimii

Speră la dulcimea vieții

În amurgul trăirii.


Cel ce suferă

A văzut fericirea, 

Iar fericirea l-a recunoscut,

Dar uită clipele amorului.


Eu nu sunt

Cel ce suferă.


Ocrotitorul uitat

Prin trăiri negre și opace

Se ascunde sub oglinda

Vecinului nevăzător.


Ocrotitorul uitat

Se teme de Soarele

Orbit de suferință

Ce cuteză să caute 


Ocrotitorul uitat.

Muritorul mort

Care caută dulcele Soarelui

Rămâne în veci,

Ocrotitorul uitat.

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Abisul fericirii

Iubita mea frumoasă,ce bine-ai spus,

Că sunt căzut într-un abis al fericirii..

Nu tu cu dragostea ce are valurile cât muntii m-ai împins

În al iubirii hău prăpăstios ce n-are fund?

Și nici ecoul nu-l auzi oricât de tare ai striga,

Eu stând ca o statuie fără viață,

Paralizat de frumusețea ta

Și fascinat de vraja vorbelor ce-mi spun că mă iubești...

Cum crezi tu oare că mai pot spune ceva,

Când fericirea ce mi-ai daruit-o mă ține prizonierul tău,

Lipsit de glas poetic precum bine vezi...

Însă când tu îmi ceri iubirea s-o declar în vers,

Eu,biet umilul tău pe viață al iubirii sclav,

Îți scriu și cânt nemuritorul imn de-amor,

Dorind să te aduc la pieptul meu,

Să te iubesc,să te ador!


(2 aprilie 2024 Vasilica dragostea mea)


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Idila Roz a Inimilor Îmbrățișate

Lumina apusului era o explozie de culori roz pal, metamorfozând cerul într-o picătură etereală ce se scurge în tabloul edenic al vieții noastre, care ne învăluiește în grația divină a amorului. Adierea serii, dulce ca un susur al zânelor, ne mângâia pielea, aducând cu ea arome paradisiace și promisiuni de veșnicie

Fiecare sărut pe buzele tale era o constelație de stele, o simfonie de dorințe ce dansa pe firmamentul cerului nostru interior


Sub cerul roz, noi doi eram imortalizați într-o capodoperă a iubirii, unde fiecare atingere era o pensulă delicată, trasând arabescuri de pasiune și tandrețe. Inimile noastre, două flăcări gemene, băteau la unison într-o armonie perfectă, creând o melodie sublimă a sufletelor îndrăgostite


Fiecare clipă petrecută împreună devenea o odă scrisă de mâna destinului, un vers ce intona despre fericire și împlinire În brațele tale, timpul se transforma într-o iluzie, iar noi pluteam într-un ocean de euforie, mângâiați de adierea blândă a serii și de sărutul veșnic al iubirii noastre



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În gânduri iuți

ce-mi trag genunchii …

în pământ,

mă gâtuie durerea!

Pierdut mă simt

mă trag, mă dor rărunchii,

și-n gândul tău…

îmi pierd suflarea.


Și m-aș strânge,

și m-aș dizolva …

într-o lacrimă să-ți fiu,

Să curg din inimioara ta

iubire prin al meu …



(autor: Aurel Alexandru Donciu / volum: Cub de gheață - 2020 editura Etnous / ISBN: 978-606-712-760-7)

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Другие стихотворения автора

Empty room

Just an empty room
Nothing to see...
Painted lyrics on the walls, so new, such a gracefully across my memory.
Nothing to feel...
Makes me think of the six element hug, that holds me safe and warm.
Nothing to think about...
But I'm still there...In front of an empty room, thinking about inexistent things, inexistent things that I need to give away from my mind, to leave behind whatever is equal to zero for me...
But how am I still looking at an empty room?
I don't know, maybe it's just a stupid interpretation of my blocked mind
...Nothing to know...
Run...Just run...You can do it, right...?
...Things my heart used to know,
Things it yearns to remember...
Just in vain...


"From "Volumul Sub fosta lumină/Under the last light""

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Burden of Words

In the realm where shadows softly dwell,
Amidst the Burden of Words I tell,
As a surveyor of the black shroud's veil,
I watch her art, like stars, prevail.

Through her eyes, a universe unfurls,
A sanctuary from the mundane swirls,
Where art becomes a tender embrace,
Transcending time, filling space.

With brush and ink, her spirit soars,
Each stroke a whisper, each hue adores,
Gravure's touch, a delicate dance,
Revealing love's eternal trance.

In compositions, symphonies arise,
Arranging dreams beneath moonlit skies,
In "Tolerant" tones, a love that grows,
Embracing change, where passion flows.

"Reflections" cast in shimmering light,
Mirroring hearts, in the still of night,
"Echoes of Silhouettes on Paper" glide,
Chasing truths, where dreams abide.

And "Mother" stands, a timeless muse,
In her gaze, love's sweet fuse,
In every line, her warmth conveys,
A love that lasts through endless days.

So from afar, in awe I bow,
In her art, I now truly found my vow,
For in each stroke, love's essence I see,
In "Foundations in Aquafortis," words set free.


From "Volumul Pot sa-ți spun ceva?/Can I tell you something?"

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In the hush of the night, a symphony breaks,
A duet of hearts, with strings that ache.
Melodies of love now lost in the air,
Echoes of whispers, tender and rare.
Each note a tear, a gentle lament,
As the chords of affection slowly relent.
Sorrow swells in the crescendo of goodbye,
Yet beneath it all, a caring sigh.
For in this parting, a bittersweet refrain,
Where memories linger, softly remain.
Though paths diverge, and distance grows wide,
Compassion lingers, a comforting guide.
In the quiet aftermath of our shared tale,
Echoes of kindness, like a gentle gale.
Each verse a tribute to the love we knew,
A testament to the care that once drew.
So let this symphony of farewell play,
With sadness and caring, in every sway.
For though we part, our souls intertwined,
In the music of love, forever enshrined.

From "Volumul Istorie Opusă/Opposing History"

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Days to entwine

In my view of my true self,
I put my love on the shelf.
Even though I beg,
For our love another leg.
White moon from afar,
I wish we had a calendar,
On our both days to entwine,
A common noon to define.
As a river, crystalline
As your word, medicine
I want to see a good day,
In which distance won't delay.


From "Volumul Istorie Opusă/Opposing History"

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Mazing silence

In the quiet of the night, anxiety creeps,
A relentless shadow, when the world sleeps.
Messages sent, but no replies come,
Each passing moment feels like a drum

Each notification, a hopeful spark ignites,
But silence echoes, extinguishing the lights.
In the depths of worry, I drown and fall,
Lost in the maze of an unanswered call.

Her absence echoes like a silent scream,
In the hollow chambers of a shattered dream.
Questions dance, in the caverns of my mind,
Seeking solace, but solace is hard to find.

What if she's lost interest, or found another?
The thought alone makes my heart shudder.
But amidst the chaos, a glimmer remains,
That perhaps, in her silence, there's no disdain.


From "Volumul Pot sa-ți spun ceva?/Can I tell you something?"

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As the survey becomes silent,
As the truth remains afloat,
I embraced the duty destined for myself,
Of working in my dark mind's delf.
But I still beg,
The other's carriage to bootleg,
Like the small daughter of the sea,
To be struck and rendered null like a flea.
And yet,
I lay plagued by the need of a break,
The final blow, the sadness of the weak,
A sumptuous and endless banquet.


"From "Volumul Floare de piatră/Stone Flower""

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