Grey Memories
Timber swan of the lake, fragile dreams u used to carry,
In the azure river, you let the water be your foundry,
And as the sky promises, grey memories only wishes,
But wings like roots, might fly your wings ashes.
The sun old trickster, holder of the molten aspirations,
Would fool you, and watch for your every actions,
Blazing your vision, asking for your majestic flight,
Won't wait to burn you, for it's sadistic delight.
So you fly, the mirror waters guide your way.
Old sleeping god, whispers melancholic astray,
You're only left with past sad memories, grey,
As the higher you rise, ash you being to convey.
From "Volumul Istorie Opusă/Opposing History"
Category: Philosophical poem
All author's poems: Andrei Lehanceanu
Date of posting: 21 октября
Views: 95
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