

In the troubling silence I make a gasp,
Slowly touching the wooden gate,
As my blind vision runs late,
I feel a sharp pain like a wasp.
Blinded by the cold mud,
A rotten root in hand I take.
Playing it like an expired turd,
I hear a sound I didn't make
Perhaps I'm not alone,
Not in this wrecked creek,
It was the sound of a door steek,
In my mind lone insane.
I find unease but mercy,
Justice but cruelty.
The lone root becomes five,
Crawling on me like an olive.


"From "Volumul Floare de piatră/Stone Flower""

Category: Philosophical poem

All author's poems: Andrei Lehanceanu poezii.online Roots

Date of posting: 21 октября

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Nicicând curat, ferit de rău.


Și noaptea asta soră cu destinul,

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Ochii sunt ferestrele bunătății,
Dar și ale melancoliei,
Ale unui suflet blând,
De emoție chinuit în somn.
Dar vă jur solemn
Că încep să îndemn:
Uitați un alchimist
Care tristețea și jalea
În bucurie le transpune,
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Pe un chip ridat de timp,
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Ce răbdător cu viața-i   Universul
Stele multe pe cerul lui vor mai pieri
Și umbra  noastră va fi o gravură
Iar iubirea  rămâne în curcubeu
Culoare ce nu pătrunde prin fereastră.

Ce răbdător cu viața-i   Universul,
În amiaza dintre mâine şi ieri
Ne lasă să-i cerșim mereu iubirea
Nu simțim că timpul ne părăsește.

Hrănindu-ne în taină cu neîmplinirea
Tăcută  ne-i  umbra, ea  nu ne  vorbește
Dar  judecă  jurământul și uitarea,
La finele zilei când drumu-i în noapte
Și răbdător cu viața-i  doar Universul.

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Un ultim dans

Te invit la un ultim dans

Tu ființă ce mai distrus

Asa ca haide sa dansăm draga viață 

Arată-ți adevarata față 


Cu pași pe ritm de moarte

Facem valsul fericirii pierdute

Si cu al dragostei risipite

Ne privim cu zambete false


Iar din ale noastre nepricepute

Ne mai impiedicam in necunoscute

Nu te iubesc, nici ea pe mine

Si traim in amară armonie


Cu tendințe de culori de fericire

Eu te alung, tu ma vrei langa tine

Niciodata nu avem o intelegere

Iată asta-i armonie

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Ea e

-Dar, mamă, tată,
comoara nu-i aici!
Aici nu-i soare
și nici norii nu sunt gri.
Nu găsești bogăție
averi sau sărăcie.
Nici apă, nici uscat nu e,
totul e un van,
iar împrejurul, nu pare uman.
-Pentru că, comoara a plecat.
Așa s-a dus și s-a ascuns,
cum râurile,
în pământ au pătruns
cum acul,
pânza a străpuns.
Pentru că ea
Ea e o comoară.

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Other poems by the author

Tell me sweet little lies

The leaking mind of a lover, an ambitious perpetrator, a strategic confectioner...
Tell me sweet little lies,
Fulfill my heart with deceitfulness,
Make me wish for an abstract portrait of emotions.
Take my heart as evidence,
Of the things I'm doing and I'll do,
A stolen dance of nothing to write about,
The surge of a caring person.
And you, my dearest,
A mushroom left in the dark to grow,
But as a surveyor of the black shroud, I observe...
The night lights are low, and you my dear, you cannot grow.

"From "Volumul Floare de piatră/Stone Flower""


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Days to entwine

In my view of my true self,
I put my love on the shelf.
Even though I beg,
For our love another leg.
White moon from afar,
I wish we had a calendar,
On our both days to entwine,
A common noon to define.
As a river, crystalline
As your word, medicine
I want to see a good day,
In which distance won't delay.


From "Volumul Istorie Opusă/Opposing History"

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Doll face

Once you find a doll, a beauty doll, founded on an unstable narrative thread, a narrative thread who is hard to find, the same narrative thread who makes a lot of sundry types of dolls.

Once time staring at that doll, you saw a winking, not your winking, not the doll winking, your chaotic imagination winked at the piece of yarn, that piece of yarn...so tempting to take it in the hand. For the first time you see that missing button on the doll face.

Taking the needle in the hand, you started to search the button, the seconds transformed in moments of endless depression and fear... Unresisting, being unprepared for what's happening, you got up.

Seeing that the button who takes the place of an eye on the face of the doll was in your hand.

Putting the thread in the needle and then in the button you started sewing...

And you are happy once more time


"From "Volumul Sub fosta lumină/Under the last light""

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The Amphitheater

With the lights on, the amphitheater rises into the scenic congeries of emotions.

And sitting in a chair.

I look in my front seeing a little ghost reading a poem, this poem, with a lot of beauty and courage she looked at the empty chairs seeing only me applauding the interpretation.

The ghost ashamed fled to the left exit whispering millions of words in an uncertain time, every word, letter sounds different and invokes different emotion and feelings.

Now...the ghost departed
The Lights no longer light the historic amphitheater
Only the poem read by the ghost remained in my mind

I started to repeat the poem over and over again until the light turned on again
Somebody applauding me from far

I realised that I was the ghost whose life is
like history...

It repeats itself.


"From "Volumul Sub fosta lumină/Under the last light""

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Why are you looking at the same thing as me?
What are you if I'm not sure if that's me?

I see you my whole life, an entity different and at the same time as like the other entities.
Just a demon who nobody knows what is having in mind, whose mind can go to the invisible universe to just read a poem
You could be...the person who read this, you can't see inside me...me neither
But why I'm so sure...
Why I see only you in my mirror

Now I wonder...
What you see into that chaotic reflection ?
Just you or a person who you don't know who exists...?


"From "Volumul Sub fosta lumină/Under the last light""

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Stealing stars

Quiet whispers of the night,
under the watchful moon's soft light,
My heart traverses miles, vast and wide,
to where you dream on the other side.
For you fly in realms far from mine,
across the span where stars align.
To bridge the gap, the distance cruel,
with words as tools, love precious fuel.
In dreams, I reach to steal you near,
dissolve the miles, remove the fear.
A whispered wish in the night embrace,
longing for your gentle grace.
Through screens and words, love's conveyed,
on the silent moments, our hopes laid
Little sparrow, my heart's soft call,
yearning for the day we end this stall.
To steal you from the bonds of space,
into my arms, our perfect place.

From "Volumul Istorie Opusă/Opposing History"

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