In the troubling silence I make a gasp,
Slowly touching the wooden gate,
As my blind vision runs late,
I feel a sharp pain like a wasp.
Blinded by the cold mud,
A rotten root in hand I take.
Playing it like an expired turd,
I hear a sound I didn't make
Perhaps I'm not alone,
Not in this wrecked creek,
It was the sound of a door steek,
In my mind lone insane.
I find unease but mercy,
Justice but cruelty.
The lone root becomes five,
Crawling on me like an olive.
"From "Volumul Floare de piatră/Stone Flower""
Категория: Философские стихи
Все стихи автора: Andrei Lehanceanu
Дата публикации: 21 октября 2024
Просмотры: 114
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