Calls of hunger
Sounds of falling grinds of iron,
Calls by my core sadly agitation,
Patience and hunger I shall hold,
Cherry tea sweet as precious gold.
Because I'm starving for completion,
Thinking for my mind an eviction,
Snatched by shadows' grasp,
Beautiful banana cake to handclasp.
But empty both the core and mind,
Patiently for your precious astound,
Waiting for the sauvorous clash of lips,
Pair of hands flourish as eternal chips.
From "Volumul Pot sa-ți spun ceva?/Can I tell you something?"
Категория: Стихи про любовь
Все стихи автора: Andrei Lehanceanu
Дата публикации: 21 октября
Просмотры: 65
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