Zombie's gambit
am I looking with death eyes?
'cause I feel like having miles
until I reach the final end
and can forever go to bed...
am I looking with death eyes...?
'cause my pupiles are black grains of rice
who have been fighting for many years
to achieve something, often with tears.
am I looking with death eyes...?
'cause I feel like a zombie playing chess...!
trying to achieve a goal, find the key to succes...
And in the end we all find :
It was all about our brain' s death process.
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Other poems by the author
Poem: Motivație
Poem: Din cauză de suflet
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Poem: Crez
Poem: Cineva m-a întrebat?
Misterele morţii celor mai mari zece scriitori români: ce i-a adus, de fapt, sfârşitul lui Eminescu. Sadoveanu, asasinat de un mason?
Poem: Casa părintească
Poem: Să fim împreună din nou...
Test de personalitate: Alege una din cele cinci cărţi şi află-ţi destinul