Matched faces
My tío made sure I knew about love
And about souls that fit like a glove.
"Las personas que se parecen,
Están destinadas a ser."
And when I met you I forgot what I was told
What my dear tío wrote in bold.
Was carried away by honey words
When I was really just getting on your nerves.
Your face sculptured with sharp ends
And mine with angelic blends,
And your eyes were like a stone
Nowhere near my forest tone.
Blondish curls I'm proud of owning
But you wished for dark and straightened,
Common features good for cloning,
But mine were nowhere near your wish end.
Cold features ready to make me bleed
But I wanted love, not cheating cause of need.
Light features to soften you just for me,
But you're a bitch, even I agree
You were fire and I was ice
And you burnt me when I was just nice.
You had a dark soul made by coal
And my gold heart wanted to ignite it whole.
But you never looked like me
And I never acted like you
So we could never be three
Since you wanted something new.
So if matched faces are meant to be,
Were you really right for me?
Категория: Напутственные стихи
Все стихи автора: KH
Дата публикации: 18 июля
Просмотры: 150