
In floarea albastra,stravezie
Sentiment profund,necunoscut gasii.
Dragoste-i?..Dar cine-mi spune,cine stie,
-Tu stii???
-Da,eu stiu!

Priviri amorezate,fara de clipire,
Eu ma pierd si tu in vise ratacesti...
Zi-mi fara cuvinte,de asta ii iubire:
-Tu ma iubesti???
-Da, eu te iubesc!

Iata timpul in doruri ne desparte,
Nu stiu cind ne vom revedea...
E greu si doare,suntem departe,
-Tu ma vei astepta???
-Da, eu te astept!

Zi dupa zi, luna cu luna,
Timpul nu are popas...
Pin-la clipa de "impreuna",
"Sun la usa" a mai ramas...

Fata-n fata,te-nnec in a mea privire,
Regasesc acelasi vis, deja-mplinit frumos...
Si aceiasi mina calda,dar zimbet in nestire...
-Buna, eu m-am intors!
-Scuze...te cunosc???...

Категория: Посвящены стихи

Все стихи автора: morbidi Amorezati!!!

Дата публикации: 23 марта 2014

Добавлено в избранное: 1

Комментарий: 1

Просмотры: 2697

Авторизуйтесь и комментируйте!


La final am avut piele de gaina. Nu m am asteptat. Foarte frumoasa compozitia.
Прокомментировал 30 октября

Стихи из этой категории

My friend Irina

My friend irina

She smiles

She’s ok

She encourages

She dreams

She is always there for me

She gives a hug im all ok

She says she’s fine,they’ll believe the lie

But i see behind that fake smile

That fake “im fine” that she usually says

From a mile i can see her tears imprinted on her face

From a mile i can see the scars on her tired forearms

She says she’s fine

But she hurts herself,with words and blades

With pills and fake affirmations about herself

I try to help,i try to smile,just for her

Not anybody else

I see her puffy eyes when everyone just says good bye

I stay by her side all the time,hopping she will open up

But im just there

A burden on her back

She says she doesn’t mind that

But she has a lot on her beautiful mind

My friend irina

She cries

She screams

She cuts

She dreams

I wasn’t there when she tried to take her life

But i was there when her heart broke into millions of pieces

I gathered them all in one

Replaced it with all i had

Hopping she ‘ll go back

To being fine and all that


My friend irina

Everyone just sees a girl

With eyes and lips and thighs

I see a strong women fighting for her life

With tired brown eyes,like the hot chocolate on a chilly  night

With her curly hair like the waves of the ocean on a breezy night

With her broken smile that she gives me when im not alright

With the clothes she wears to cover up her past

A girl like her you’ll never find

She’s unique and kind

Broken at the same time

Trying to glue her back

Im losing her  just like that

Everyone just says she’s fine

But i see behind all that

They found out about her past

The scars on her arms

That’s all they see

Her past

Her “mistakes”

She overthinks over stupid airheads

About everything she has


She changed

She changed a lot

Into good into bad

People don’t care

They don’t see her for who she is but only for her mistakes

They judge

They laugh

They make “funny” jokes about all that

They say things they should  not

I try to erase everything they said

But its set in her mind

The words are making her go mad

I try to change her mind

Before she takes what she has

I try to stay calm,when im freaking out

I try to say its fine when she freaks out

I say it will be alright

But all she does is say “im fine”

You’re not

You’re sad,and mad

Happy and glad

You tend to be there for everyone when you’re falling apart


My friend irina

She says she’s fine

She says she won’t do it again

She makes promises to herself the others might brake

She stays true to her mind but lies to her heart

Im here for her but she is not here with me

Im here for her but she disappears

She takes refuge in her mind

Thinking its safer that real life

Im trying to wake her up

Im trying to make her stay

Im stealing her bad thoughts away

Hoping it will make a change

But they multiply by the day

Making her want to go away

What should i do

Say goodbye or fight for her life


I tend to smile all the time

When people are around

So they thing she is better now

But when there’s only the two of us

The bridges fall down

She tells me her worries but not fully

She tells me i didn’t do anything but the truth is ,it’s all my fault

Hopefully she will be fine

She will win this battle with her mind

I’ll be the shoulder that she can cry on but also the soldier fighting for her  life

I’ll be there

With my whole mind

I’ll be right there behind

Always ready to fight back


Im here

I’ll always be here


My friend irina

She smiles but if i don’t do anything i will lose her like she lost her mind,i won’t let that happen ,i will be on watch all the time

Don’t worry

We’ll fight together

For the rest of my life


That’s my friend Irina

She is truly the best

That’s why

She has to stay

Еще ...

Scumpa Nicoleta

Am o prietenă bună,
Ştie ea ce este glumă!
Gingaşă ,mărinimoasă-
Este-o floare ea frumoasă!
Mereu zîmbeşte
Viaţa din plin o trăieşte,
Stimată şi apreciată
Este cea mai bună fată.
O respect ,o iubesc
Tot binele din lume îi doresc!

Еще ...

În amintirea unui OM

Astazi să amintim limbii române

Despre o parte din sufletul ei

Despre inimii ce bat in luceafar 

de-un secol si mai bine

Despre litere 

Despre doruri 

Despre junimea si poporul 

Despre cuvinte marete 

Despre trădări si țărișoară 

Despre destin

Despre OM


Sânge strabun si bun absolut de neam al limbii române.


Florin Ristea 



Еще ...

Papi si Vlad

Sa-ti fie viata ca un vis,

frumoasa ca un paradis!

Parte sa ai de fericire,

sa fii iubit, sa-mparti iubire!

Sa ai in suflet bunătate

si-n spirit setea de dreptate!

Sa poti sa razi cand viata-i dura

si s-o inlantui cu caldura!

Sa fii eroul din poveste,

pe care Papi il iubeste!...

La mulți ani incarcati de tot ce este mai frumos in asta lume! P. P. V. 

Еще ...

In cautarea lui ....Dory

Mă uit la dansul fulgilor de nea,

Ce pică galeș ca-ntr-un hău,

Și mă gândesc, ...ce vreme rea!

Cum oare-i vremea la Bacău?


Și-mi amintesc, ai adormit

Pe muzică de dance, latino,

Eu, recunosc, n-am prea dormit,

Gândindu-mă la Dory și la Nemo...

Еще ...


Lasam sasi scuture durerea,

lasam sa plinga inecind

in lacrimi lunga sa tacere

si gindul care a mocnit

Еще ...

Другие стихотворения автора

Capul sus...

Sunt multe clipe grele cind as da inapoi...

In melancolii ma'nnec ca-n volburate ploi...

Ma'mpiedic in greseli,desi asta e firesc,

Visez deseori la vise in care ma ratacesc...

Privesc real la viata,dar cred si in minuni..

Sinceritatea'n palme,desigur nu-i fara minciuni...

Dar cred in tot ce-i bine si bunatatea'n viata,

restul tot se trece cu zimbetul pe fata!!!

Еще ...

Visam sa ne indragostim..

Prin viata fiind inca copii

In suflet,chip si constiinta,

Indragim persoane fara a noastra vointa,

Persoane care ne aduc bucurii,

Fermecati de zimbete zglobii

Si sincere priviri de fetite...


Ne indragostim...


Cind ajungi sa cresti mai mare,

La fel naivi in sinceritate-

Suflet deschis persoanelor toate

Cu priviri fermecatoare,

Suflete scaldate'n soare

Si zimbete de copil alintate.


Ne indragostim...


Si doar maturi ajunsi in viata,

Visam sa indragim pe cineva,

Copilareste ca acum cindva

Cu acelasi zimbet de copil pe fata,

Deschise suflete ce'agata

Dintr'o privire inima...


Visam sa ne indragostim...


Еще ...

Razbunare vietii.

Ti-am fost fidel, o , viata nemarginita,
Am incercat sa te inteleg citusi de putin…
Pe calea ta, in vazul meu inflorita,
Inchideam ochii la barbarele maracini.
Am pasit mereu doar cu capul sus,
Asa cum am invatat inca de la parinti.
Vedeam un rasarit in fiece apus,
O adiere in vifore fierbinti…
Din rusinoasa naruire,
Inaltat-am sufletu-n putere,
Cu zimbet, spre a ta uimire,
Scuturam praful de durere…
Vedeam un tel, o scuza spre realizare..
Pas cu pas infloream al tau urcus
Chiar si cind ma lasa in uitare
Fantastica speranta ca voi ajunge acus…
M-ai inecat in oceanul de indoiala,
Cu discretie am cautat un mal,
In luntrea desperatiei pina astazi goala
Am spintecat nu doar un val..
Si azi,nu ultima ta incercare
In cioburi mii am sa zdrobesc…
Primeste aceasta ca o razbunare
Pentru credinta oarba ca n-am sa reusesc!...

Еще ...


Timp pustiu-
Doruri înlăcrimate
Ascunse în noapte
Vise deşarte,
Prea multe păcate...

Speranţa rece-
Neagră închisoare
Răscolind în uitare
Amintire arzătoare
Fără să-şi plece
Orgoliu-n nepăsare...

Suflet în strigăt-
Ecou în tăcere
Străpunge-n durere
Vise-n zăbrele
Uitate în treacăt
Prin clipele grele...

Еще ...