My dad's princess
I always was my dad's princess,
My dad's girl,
But now something is diffrent
And we always fight.
I used to be my dad's girl,
A model in every photo,
A perfect princess from every movie i was watching,
And a singer every time i hearded a song.
I was always my dad's princess,
Everyone said out loud
And i laughted in his arms
Until now, we always fight.
I always was my dad's princess,
Like a queen who waits the crown,
But in my path its a hole
and I'm still falling down.
I always was my dad's princess,
He always used to read me stories
About castells, kings and princess,
But in one day, he randomly stopped.
I always was my dad's princess,
But now, the person i know is gone
And I'm fighting with a stranger
Who still thinks he is my dad.
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