I fell a hole in my life
And I want to tell you
But you're not here
And you won't ever be.
You're dead in the cold earth
And its so hard to know that.
I'm still in shock
And I wanna se you for the last time alive.
I can't see you stand dead in the cold coffin.
I can't see you with your hands on your chest
And with your eyes closed.
I feel like a part of me is dead
And it hurts more then I can ever explain.
I can't...
I can't take it anymore.
Starts to hurt too hard
That I wanna stop it right now.
This isn't fair
I wanted to die
But you wanted to live.
I can't see you dead
Where are so many peoploe alive
And they need you.
I need you to be here with me.
You didn't know what was in my soul or in my heart
But you always where here
Even when you didn't know what was in my head.
I can't see you dead
And everyone crying at your head sayng"goodbye".
I try to keep you warm
But you're too cold righ now.
I want to see your spark from your eyes,
I want to see your smile,
I want to hear your voice again,
I want to hear you pronounce my name,
I want to hug you so bad righ now.
All of them just for one last time.
I want to see you stand on your feet
And walk away from that stupid coffin.
Категория: Стихи о смерти
Все стихи автора: lexi salvatore
Дата публикации: 28 февраля
Просмотры: 16