


The color of trees,

The color of grass freshly cut on a spring evening.

It represents life, growth, and so many more.


I used to think of him when i heard green,

He had something no one could ever steal.

Something special, something quite real.

Something, i have never seen.


Green, this color that reminds me of him,

I hate that i love it so much, with it perks and dark sides.

It represent so many things, one of them being the one and only him.


I see him when i think of it, every night in evey dream,

I felt alive knowing it was real, truly now you must think it disappeared.

It has not, tho i dont have it, i lost it, it was a bad habit .


It was so special so clean,

This green color that you could only dream,

He had it, it was his.

It was a piece you could only wish to steal, tho impossible if you ask me.


Green, the color of growth , the color of life, and most importantly the color of his beautiful…eyes.

Категория: Посвящены стихи

Все стихи автора: Sophia&Irina poezii.online Green

Дата публикации: 26 января

Просмотры: 50

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Стихи из этой категории

Durere vie

O vacanță plină de trăire, durere dar și viață

Pe atât de fizică cât și psihică 

O amintire atât de îndepărtată 

Respirația ce încă imi îngheață 


În același loc,Doamne eu tot am fost

Oare toți ne așteptăm locul pe hârtie ?

Părintele dj-ul tău Doamne este ,

El tot ne strigă și ne enumeră...


Și rând pe rând cu toți ne vom duce

Alte chipuri vom lasă în urmă 

Un strigat spre cer cu toți îndreptăm 

Sper că mă îmi captati al meu gând.

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Lasam sasi scuture durerea,

lasam sa plinga inecind

in lacrimi lunga sa tacere

si gindul care a mocnit

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My friend Irina

My friend irina

She smiles

She’s ok

She encourages

She dreams

She is always there for me

She gives a hug im all ok

She says she’s fine,they’ll believe the lie

But i see behind that fake smile

That fake “im fine” that she usually says

From a mile i can see her tears imprinted on her face

From a mile i can see the scars on her tired forearms

She says she’s fine

But she hurts herself,with words and blades

With pills and fake affirmations about herself

I try to help,i try to smile,just for her

Not anybody else

I see her puffy eyes when everyone just says good bye

I stay by her side all the time,hopping she will open up

But im just there

A burden on her back

She says she doesn’t mind that

But she has a lot on her beautiful mind

My friend irina

She cries

She screams

She cuts

She dreams

I wasn’t there when she tried to take her life

But i was there when her heart broke into millions of pieces

I gathered them all in one

Replaced it with all i had

Hopping she ‘ll go back

To being fine and all that


My friend irina

Everyone just sees a girl

With eyes and lips and thighs

I see a strong women fighting for her life

With tired brown eyes,like the hot chocolate on a chilly  night

With her curly hair like the waves of the ocean on a breezy night

With her broken smile that she gives me when im not alright

With the clothes she wears to cover up her past

A girl like her you’ll never find

She’s unique and kind

Broken at the same time

Trying to glue her back

Im losing her  just like that

Everyone just says she’s fine

But i see behind all that

They found out about her past

The scars on her arms

That’s all they see

Her past

Her “mistakes”

She overthinks over stupid airheads

About everything she has


She changed

She changed a lot

Into good into bad

People don’t care

They don’t see her for who she is but only for her mistakes

They judge

They laugh

They make “funny” jokes about all that

They say things they should  not

I try to erase everything they said

But its set in her mind

The words are making her go mad

I try to change her mind

Before she takes what she has

I try to stay calm,when im freaking out

I try to say its fine when she freaks out

I say it will be alright

But all she does is say “im fine”

You’re not

You’re sad,and mad

Happy and glad

You tend to be there for everyone when you’re falling apart


My friend irina

She says she’s fine

She says she won’t do it again

She makes promises to herself the others might brake

She stays true to her mind but lies to her heart

Im here for her but she is not here with me

Im here for her but she disappears

She takes refuge in her mind

Thinking its safer that real life

Im trying to wake her up

Im trying to make her stay

Im stealing her bad thoughts away

Hoping it will make a change

But they multiply by the day

Making her want to go away

What should i do

Say goodbye or fight for her life


I tend to smile all the time

When people are around

So they thing she is better now

But when there’s only the two of us

The bridges fall down

She tells me her worries but not fully

She tells me i didn’t do anything but the truth is ,it’s all my fault

Hopefully she will be fine

She will win this battle with her mind

I’ll be the shoulder that she can cry on but also the soldier fighting for her  life

I’ll be there

With my whole mind

I’ll be right there behind

Always ready to fight back


Im here

I’ll always be here


My friend irina

She smiles but if i don’t do anything i will lose her like she lost her mind,i won’t let that happen ,i will be on watch all the time

Don’t worry

We’ll fight together

For the rest of my life


That’s my friend Irina

She is truly the best

That’s why

She has to stay

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Din dragoste in dor

nu mai stii de "somn usor"

sau sa imi spui ca iti este dor

de noi, esti confuz sa spui

imi arati ca te tot opui


si inca astept si astept

sa vrei sa ma tii la piept

probabil ai fugi si ai pleca

cu totul din viata mea


si inca astept sa te implici

dar tie usor sa te complici

si te as vrea langa mine

si mereu numai pe tine


am luat pastile stiai?

probabil de astea uitai

dar păsare imi arătai?

terminai de facut ce aveai

si dupa te culcai


ti am vrut mereu caldură

dar o considerai ură

am dat oricâta siguranță

n ai dat mare importanță


mai bine nu eram in a ta lume

oricum iti sunt doar un simplu nume..

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Mulțumesc pentru gândurile frumoase!


Transpirația se scurge pe obraz,

Lichidul din mine parcă pare mai viteaz. 

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Другие стихотворения автора


Mi e dor de noptiile in care nu te lasam in pace

De zilele in care ne jucam 

Mi e dor de copilaria mea alaturi de tine 

Si de jocurile inventate de mine


Lumea noasta mica, care se simtea speciala

Lumea in care am trait pana am intrat la scoala

O lume de vis in care m as intoarce daca as putea

O lume in care evolutia nu exista

Lumea mea..

Lumea noastra 


Dintr o camera de joaca a devenit palatul nostru plin de amintiri frumoase pe care acum se pune praful

In care acum stau momentele fericite ascunse in tablouri, carti si videoclipuri haioase


Sora ta Erika mult asteptata 

Care nu te lăsa niciodată sa dormi singura 

Care iti respira in ceafa in fiecare seara de dragul tau


O singura schimbare a durat pana cand tot ce a fost doar un vis a fost inlaturat din rutina noastra 

O decizie mai bună pentru al nostru viitor, pentru noi palate de cristal in loc de cele din musama construite de bunicii noștri 


Pentru o viata mai ușoară care ne a ingreunat pe toti si pentru sacrificiile imense ce ne au adus la limita traiului.


Niciun vers, niciun citat nu poate exprima

Durerea din inima mea cand ma uit in camera mea, palatul nostru dărâmat, renovat si dezbinat de momentele vietii noastre

Nicio carte nu poate exprima iubirea din inima mea pentru tine.


O de as putea sa iti ofer, tot ce ti ai dorit vreodata. Dar nici asa nu iti pot arata cat de mult imi lipsește perioada in care am crescut împreună. Nu iti pot arata cat de mult regret fiecare lumare stinsa de rasuflarea mea orbita de amuzamentul copilăriei care incet s a transformat in chin


O de as putea sa adun toate cuvintele! Tot ce inseamna iubire, si sa fac o poezie, dar nici asa n as putea exprima cat de mult tin la tine…


Pentru mine ai fost tot, mama, tata, sora, prietena. Pentru mine o eternitate impreuna e prea putin timp, ai fost tot ce am avut mai bun, si nu iti pot explica cat de mult ma durea cand puneai pe altcineva deasupra mea


Pentru mine tu esti tot, si mereu a fost asa…

Te iubesc din toata inima


Draga ta Irina

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Through my eyes

My eyes saw her

In a field, up in the sky.

A lovely lily amongst roses.

An adonis amongst stars.


Through my eyes she is a treasure,

With her beautiful petals,

With her beautiful glimmer.

I see through her imperfections and doubts.


A lovely lily she is,

Swinging across sea.

A broken star she is,

Watching over me.


A beautiful soul she has,

Shining through the night.

With her petals roaming around,

She’s a beautiful flower, no doubt.


A shining star,

You’ll see her shine miles away, from afar.

You’ll see her when you look up at the sky,

You’ll know its her by her blime.


In a field ,

You’ll se her beauty standing neatly,

Yet so chaotic and disturbing.

You’ll notice her colors, the lots she has, you’ll say she’s pretty, then she’ll blush.



Through my eyes she’s not just a flower,

She is indeed the power you need to survive.

Through my eyes she’s not just a star,

She is an inspiration , a scar left from a cut.


A flower she is, different standing in the field, so perfect she is.

A star she is, shinnier floating in the sky,so vibrant she is.


The flower that caught my eye.

The star who stole my mind.

Her beauty is no where else to be found.

Her mind surely brighter than ours.

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My forgotten dreams

I sit in my bed every night,

Wondering “when did i ever do something right?”

Then, a thought corsses my mind.

“You did great, you did just fine.”

I sit there through the whole night,

In silence thinking“is this all i can do in life?”


I had dreams, and hopes.

I wanted to dance, i hopped,

I would be a star, shining on the stage,

A bird, free of its cage.

Flying on the way, to succes

I hoped to reach one day.


Im here now,no dance no bird.

Just me with my portraits of hope.

I just paint, my sadness my dreams,

Thiking “wow, is this really me?”.

It is,actually.


I used to wish for one day to make friends,

I used to socialize, it was great.

I wanted to have a group of friends,

A group i thought never had an end.


I have friends, but like the word says, evey single one has an end within it.

They go, they pass by when they please,

But im always left hanging on seen.

Im left wondering and hoping, for them to finaly answer my texts.

Full of love and respect.

All i get in the end, is just a thank you, next.


All these thoughts and truths cross my mind,

When i lay in my bed,with my eyes coevered,blind.

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Iubirea pentru ingeri

Un înger sta și te privește,
Are grija de al tău
Sufletul ți l ocrotește,
Fara părere de rău.

Un înger cade-ncetisor,
Răni adânci pe umeri goi
Fără aripi, fără zbor,
Mainile i îngheață sloi

Îngeri nu se compara,
ca tot înger, înger e,
Și ei stau sus pe o scara
Și așteaptă vorba ei

A ta luna, al tău soare
Doua astre călătoare
Se reflecta pacea lor
Și se-neaca încetișor

Scopu-n viata i diferit
Sa iubești și sa muncești,
Sa trăiești la infinit
Sa-rati lumii cine ești

Un înger sta și te păzește
Un înger sta și te iubește,
Un om nu ar putea
Sa și arate dragostea

Asa cum o face ea,
Nu ar face o nimenea
Am iubit, și iar iubesc
Sa-rat lumii, sa dovedesc

Asa cum luna se reflecta,
Fata nu i indiferenta
Asa cum stelele apar
Iubirea e un simplu dar

Un dar de la Dumnezeu
Sa înveți sa fi mereu
Un iubit, sau o iubita
Pentru persoana menita

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Rule no 1

Rule No 1


I broke to rule, the sacred rule to happiness 

Once i cry everything stops, once she breaks the world goes on. Its not fair how loyal she is, she gives her life for someone like me and the life i give its worthless for a soul so pure


The way she acts, the way she loves me, im her muse her everything, im hers and she is mine but she loves to see me happy but that makes her wanna cry, I guess, because she cares, she cares for me but i hate the way she fights, i hate that im the reason she cries


It says its fine and it was a long time ago, but the pain in her heart she keeps hidden and the only place it goes its her paper, mirroring her soul and thoughts. She wants to give me the world even though it means hers will also break…


I broke the rule, rule no 1…

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Ai plecat

Ai venit in viata mea

Si ai parut ca esti,

Un om normal,

Pana ai decis sa pleci.

Ai plecat,

Nu ai ezitat.

Ai uitat tot ce s-a intamplat

Nu ai vrut sa te uiti in spate,

Tu cu ochii inainte , sa distrugi regate.

Am vorbit, si a fost frumos

Insa, totul trebuie sa se termine chiar daca nu are niciun rost.

M-ai lasat, asa ca altii,

Distrusa si fara speranta.

As vrea, sa nu fi vorbit cu tine,

Dar nu pot sa nu ma gandesc la amintirile alea nemărginite.

As vrea, sa pot sa te uit,

Chiar daca recent ai decis sa fugi.

Sa fugi de adevar si fapte,

Sa alergi departe.


Ai fost aici timp de 3 luni,

Dar nu as vrea sa uit, nici cele mici chestiuni.

As vrea sa uit de tine,

Insa stiu ca viata nu ar fi mai bine.

As vrea,sa nu fi plans

In seara cand mi-ai spus,

Toate acele lucruri,

Care m-au rapus.

As vrea sa nu ma mai gandesc,

Ca in tine a mai ramas un pic de sentiment dumnezeiesc.


Nu m-ai distrus tu,

Ci altii ce m-au strapuns,

Cu sabii de cuvinte ascutite,

Si lovituri cerebrale iesite, din comun.

Ai fost si tu o lovitura,

La inimioara mea abatuta,

Iar lucrurile pe care mi le-ai spus,

Au fost doar miciuni pe care le-ai compus.


Ai venit in viata mea,

Si mi-ai redat speranta.

Dar la sfarsit a fost doar o farsa.

Mi-ai spus ca si tu la mine te gandesti,

Dar amandoi stim ca nici nu-ti amintesti,

culoarea mea preferata.

As vrea sa uit de tine,

Numai ca, la inceput ai parit normal

Pana ai devenit doar un grosolan.


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