Cold tears
Cold tears travel through my cheek
Sorrows and regrets they carry
Slowly moving the memories as I peek
Between my soul's curtains blue as berry
The only emotion truly learnt
Maybe if the rain stops
Would be the jar of abandonment
As long as time, the first tear drops
I'm cold, but I'm not freezing.
Curtains tighten around me,
It's like the emptiness is never leaving,
Giving me a new birth name.
A while I shuffle,
As the air becomes thin,
I become a prisoner of my own exile
And I shed another tear.
"From "Volumul Floare de piatră/Stone Flower""
Categoria: Poezii filozofice
Toate poeziile autorului: Andrei Lehanceanu
Data postării: 21 octombrie
Vizualizări: 69
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