The light of time
Just in time to see the light,
Gives me strength to be so bright.
From the darkness of the night
Towards a hopeful and sunny height.
From the stars, air, earth and waters
Nature created sons and daughters.
Everything I always hugged with love
It is now like the flight of a dove.
Feelings that flow like a waterfall
And it dominates my life as a squall,
I imagine the horizon like a sprawl
And my soul caught in a life trawl.
I wait for time to feed my thoughts
With all kind of happy naughts,
And to untie all my worried knots,
By giving me peaceful moments and lots.
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Other poems by the author
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Poem: Starea de veghe
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Poem: Foi de calendar
Poem: Promisiune!
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Poem: Totul sau nimic
Poem: Te rog să mă iubești
Scriitorul Alexandru Cosmescu a fost comemorat la 95 de ani de la naştere