
Through my eyes

My eyes saw her

In a field, up in the sky.

A lovely lily amongst roses.

An adonis amongst stars.


Through my eyes she is a treasure,

With her beautiful petals,

With her beautiful glimmer.

I see through her imperfections and doubts.


A lovely lily she is,

Swinging across sea.

A broken star she is,

Watching over me.


A beautiful soul she has,

Shining through the night.

With her petals roaming around,

She’s a beautiful flower, no doubt.


A shining star,

You’ll see her shine miles away, from afar.

You’ll see her when you look up at the sky,

You’ll know its her by her blime.


In a field ,

You’ll se her beauty standing neatly,

Yet so chaotic and disturbing.

You’ll notice her colors, the lots she has, you’ll say she’s pretty, then she’ll blush.



Through my eyes she’s not just a flower,

She is indeed the power you need to survive.

Through my eyes she’s not just a star,

She is an inspiration , a scar left from a cut.


A flower she is, different standing in the field, so perfect she is.

A star she is, shinnier floating in the sky,so vibrant she is.


The flower that caught my eye.

The star who stole my mind.

Her beauty is no where else to be found.

Her mind surely brighter than ours.

Category: Poems dedicated

All author's poems: Sophia&Irina poezii.online Through my eyes

Date of posting: 3 декабря 2024

Views: 92

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E 31 mai, ora 08:17

Stăteam în dosul școlii la careul școlar.

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în soare,care ne topește.

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după finisarea careului plecăm în clasă

și ne luăm venetele noastre.

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Îsi ia bun rămas,

de la copii care pleacă din școală.

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Other poems by the author

Like water

You flow through my mind like water

Sometimes it can be a turbulent flow,

Sometimes just nice and slow.


Like water you have stages,

Where your mad, then your sad,when you cry, then you laugh.

I don’t get you, i dont.

But sometimes, i cant think straight  when i dont hear your bubly vocal cords.

I dont get you, i dont.

But i feel like its just us in the whole world.

We flow, we fall, we cross each road we pass.

We never get tired of the waterblast.


You tend to pour your problems on me,

expecting to evaporate them just like warm tea.

I dont get you, i do.

I listen to every gush you have, to every little pond you have.

You flood my mind with words you say, with your problems within each day.

I dont get you, but oh how i do.

My mind when i talk to you is all blue.

All blue like the sea, until it turns black when your in missery.

I try to keep you clean, but each time there’s another plastic in your sea.


Your all soaked, from your tears you have leaked.

I try to offer a towel, but it just gets wet from your sorrows.

From your past wishes and hopes,how i wish i could just swim,

Through each of your dreams, and slowly make them appear, like a little fish swimming in the sea.

I dont get you, i dont.

But i cant help but admire your flows and waves, each time you slowly sway.


You flow through my mind like water,

And yet again you never seem to bother.

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Rule no 1

Rule No 1


I broke to rule, the sacred rule to happiness 

Once i cry everything stops, once she breaks the world goes on. Its not fair how loyal she is, she gives her life for someone like me and the life i give its worthless for a soul so pure


The way she acts, the way she loves me, im her muse her everything, im hers and she is mine but she loves to see me happy but that makes her wanna cry, I guess, because she cares, she cares for me but i hate the way she fights, i hate that im the reason she cries


It says its fine and it was a long time ago, but the pain in her heart she keeps hidden and the only place it goes its her paper, mirroring her soul and thoughts. She wants to give me the world even though it means hers will also break…


I broke the rule, rule no 1…

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Trist si confuz in gânduri

Ușor pierdut printre rânduri

Stând acolo adormit

Parca foarte nedumerit

Cu viața întoarsă pe dos

In oglinda te vezi hidos

Ceva parca te trezește

Te uiți in jur


Te uiți sus jos

Nimic,doar praf si vieți spulberate

Ceva te întoarce

Te întorci si ceva te lovește

Briza cu un zâmbet dulce

Îți zice ca nu e nimic

Ești bine,n-ai pățit nimic

Viața e dura cu tine

Tu trebuie sa lupți pentru bine

Nu doar al tau

Ci al tuturor

Nu e ușor într-adevăr

Te simți închis intr-un lagăr

Te atinge pe umăr

Si îți mai zice încă o data

Ca o sa reușești

O sa ajungi sa nu mai greșești


Dupa pleacă

Singuratic rămâi

Nedumerit,uimit de ce ai simțit

Briza e cu tine când in viața te simți neiubit

Briza ușor te mângâie când ai nevoie

Dar dupa pleacă si te lasă cu o melodie

Care melodie îți cântă in minte

Iar viața ta parca nu mai e urata

Parca e chiar plăcută


Briza e cu tine când te simți liber alergând prin pădure

Când fugi de un câine

Sau când sari de bucurie

Te simți bine cu parul ciufulit

De briza care l-a răscolit

Când ești pierdut ea te ghidează pe drumul potrivit

Arătându-ti ca nu ai greșit

Ci doar ai gândit diferit

Te scapă de griji

Si te face fericit

Dar când ploaia se apropie ea fuge grabita in orizont

Si vine vântul violent

Pregătit sa îți spulbere fantezia

Si sa îți prezinte frica

Te amesteca neclintit

In timp ce tu o cauți înapoi

Pe briza ce te-a liniștit



Totul se oprește

Si nu mai e nimica lângă tine

Singur singurel

Ramai ca un strugurel

Pe un ciorchine necăjit

Viața e buna pana când te lovește vântul

Si rămâi singur singurel

O sa vina briza sa te aline dar dupa pleacă si ea sa se ocupe de buna-starea altora


Briza ca o mama te înțelege

Alături de tine este

Dar dupa crești

Si rar o mai vezi

Asa ca atunci când te îmbrățișează

Nu ezita sa îi spui ca o iubești

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The color of trees,

The color of grass freshly cut on a spring evening.

It represents life, growth, and so many more.


I used to think of him when i heard green,

He had something no one could ever steal.

Something special, something quite real.

Something, i have never seen.


Green, this color that reminds me of him,

I hate that i love it so much, with it perks and dark sides.

It represent so many things, one of them being the one and only him.


I see him when i think of it, every night in evey dream,

I felt alive knowing it was real, truly now you must think it disappeared.

It has not, tho i dont have it, i lost it, it was a bad habit .


It was so special so clean,

This green color that you could only dream,

He had it, it was his.

It was a piece you could only wish to steal, tho impossible if you ask me.


Green, the color of growth , the color of life, and most importantly the color of his beautiful…eyes.

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I-ai spus ca e frumoasa

Superba chiar.

Ai facut-o sa creada ca o iubesti.

Ca o adori.


I-ai spus ca e creativa,

Desteapta chiar.

Ai facut-o sa creada ca o iubesti.

Ca o admiri.


I-ai frant inima,

Cu doar cateva cuvinte,

In mii de bucati ,

De negasit, pierdute.


A plans saraca,

Nu mai respira,

Plangea si tacea,

Ca nu cumva sa deranjeze.


I-ai spus ca e frumoasa,

Si te-a crezut,

A crezut ca e frumoasa,

Insa doar o minciuna a fost.


I-ai spus ca nu conteaza cum arati,

Pana cand a contat.

Pana cand a ramas doar ea,

Si restul cu altcineva.


I-ai rupt tulpina florii,

De parca ar putea sa cresca din nou.

Usor, petalele i-au cazut,

Si in pamant au intrat.


I-ai calcat pe suflet,

Ai lasat-o sa zaca pe pamant,

Acolo in frig,

Unde e cel mai rau.


Ai rupt-o

Si nu s-a mai ivit la suprafață.

Sta sub pamant,

Acoperindu-si cat de bine poate fața.



Sta acolo, nu zice nimic.

Moara pe zi ce trece,

Fara apa , fara îngrășăminte.


I-ai spus ca e frumoasa,

Te-a crezut,

I-ar sufletul ei “frumos” s-a rupt,

Petalele i-au cazut.


I-ai spus ca o iubesti

Si ca e frumoasa,

Doar ca minciunile astea,

Au costat-o viata.

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Inca le poarta

De parca nu ar fi o povara

Inca le are.

Stranse la mana

De parca ieri si le-a legat la încheietura .


Inca o port,

Fara probleme.

Ca o sfoara stransa .

Simt ca e parte din mine,

Iar ziua in care am legat-o pare a fi acum mi de zile.


Le purtam amandoi,

Suntem legati, noi doi

Cu sfori legate strans , 

La incheieturi.

Fac parte din noi.


Ca o ganteră ne echilibram,

Sforile ni le asezam,

Sa stea cat mai strans la mana,

Sa nu dam drumul,

Sa nu lasam acea legatura.



Le-am legat odata,

Si acum pare ca nu le vom da jos niciodata.

Tinem drept mana,

Ca nu cumva sa cada lin legatura.

Sa nu cumva sa o pierdem.


Traim vieti separate,

Dezlegate, insa stranse si albastre.

Nu am uitat, cel putin eu,

Insa si tu o porti si iti e greu.

Nu uitam ci continuam, sa strangem mai tare.

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