Through my eyes

My eyes saw her

In a field, up in the sky.

A lovely lily amongst roses.

An adonis amongst stars.


Through my eyes she is a treasure,

With her beautiful petals,

With her beautiful glimmer.

I see through her imperfections and doubts.


A lovely lily she is,

Swinging across sea.

A broken star she is,

Watching over me.


A beautiful soul she has,

Shining through the night.

With her petals roaming around,

She’s a beautiful flower, no doubt.


A shining star,

You’ll see her shine miles away, from afar.

You’ll see her when you look up at the sky,

You’ll know its her by her blime.


In a field ,

You’ll se her beauty standing neatly,

Yet so chaotic and disturbing.

You’ll notice her colors, the lots she has, you’ll say she’s pretty, then she’ll blush.



Through my eyes she’s not just a flower,

She is indeed the power you need to survive.

Through my eyes she’s not just a star,

She is an inspiration , a scar left from a cut.


A flower she is, different standing in the field, so perfect she is.

A star she is, shinnier floating in the sky,so vibrant she is.


The flower that caught my eye.

The star who stole my mind.

Her beauty is no where else to be found.

Her mind surely brighter than ours.

Category: Poems dedicated

All author's poems: Sophia&Irina Through my eyes

Date of posting: 3 декабря 2024

Views: 69

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Eu și sora mea

Pentru Dana, de ziua ei, la 42 de ani.

Vol. "Din Viaţă"


Te ştiu din anii de demult, 

Când te jucai cu mine,

În pajişti cu miros de fân

Şi-n zumzet de albine.


Ce mititei eram atunci

Dar şi ce plini de viaţã

Şi în zãvoaie şi în lunci,

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Dãdeam noi fuga-fuga,

Când jocul ne era stãpân

Şi voioşia - sluga.


Nici satul nu era prea lung,

Nici Bulza prea departe;

Şi nici prea mult ca sã citim

Poveştile din carte.


Era, în fiecare zi,

Sublimã sãrbãtoare,

În liniştite preerii,

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Priveam vreo broascã, clipe lungi,

Cum sta...  ziceai cã crapã!

Şi-ntotdeauna ne speriam

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De timpurii pãţanii.


Urmaşii noştri mititei

Ne scriu acum pereţii,

Cã ajunserãm amândoi

La jumãtatea vieţii!

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Mintea mea


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In privinta ta nu am avut deloc intentii rele.

Te caut printre oameni ca luna printre stele

Iti caut in alti oameni ochii tai de margele


Am nevoie de o harta, am nevoie de cearta

Am nevoie sa stiu daca ma vei iubi vreodata 

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Sange pe pat si pe podea, am inceput sa clachez 

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Mi am pierdut sufletul, 

mi am pierdut zambetul.

In mintea mea esti tu

Cosmar sau deja vu?


Ai cristale in ochii si vreau sa imi pun o dorinta

O constelatie intreaga vad in a ta minte stralucita.

Am fost de partea ta, m am simtit protejata.

Am ramas de partea ta, sper sa nu ma lasi balta

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Inca le poarta

De parca nu ar fi o povara

Inca le are.

Stranse la mana

De parca ieri si le-a legat la încheietura .


Inca o port,

Fara probleme.

Ca o sfoara stransa .

Simt ca e parte din mine,

Iar ziua in care am legat-o pare a fi acum mi de zile.


Le purtam amandoi,

Suntem legati, noi doi

Cu sfori legate strans , 

La incheieturi.

Fac parte din noi.


Ca o ganteră ne echilibram,

Sforile ni le asezam,

Sa stea cat mai strans la mana,

Sa nu dam drumul,

Sa nu lasam acea legatura.



Le-am legat odata,

Si acum pare ca nu le vom da jos niciodata.

Tinem drept mana,

Ca nu cumva sa cada lin legatura.

Sa nu cumva sa o pierdem.


Traim vieti separate,

Dezlegate, insa stranse si albastre.

Nu am uitat, cel putin eu,

Insa si tu o porti si iti e greu.

Nu uitam ci continuam, sa strangem mai tare.

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Ciocolată amară

Știu că doare,

Dragostea cea arzătoare,

Știu că încerci

Să nu mai răcești.

Să nu-ți mai răcească inima dupa o conversație amara,

Ca ciocolata aceea din primăvara.

Știu ca-i greu, iar si iar

Dar de data asta, ai evoluat.

Ai văzut cum e sa plângi, sa simți briceagul atingându-ti blând pielea.

Ai văzut cum e sa suferi din dragostea  dulce ca mierea cea sărată.

Dar acum te vindeci,

Rănile ti se închid,

Si parca viața un pic mai bine a devenit.

Eu te iubesc, prietena mea draga,

Si viața nu-i asa amara ca ciocolata de primăvara, sau ca mierea cea sărată,

E dulce ca lichiorul si dulce ca sarea,

Mai e acra ca zaharul si arzătoare ca marea.

E buna când o vezi cu ochii blânzi si amorțiți de-atâta ciocolata dulce.

O sa treacă, o sa vezi, doar trebuie sa aștepți, ca acel gust amuțitor, sa-ti ajungă in suflet ca lacrima iubirii.

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O stea cazuta



O stea cazuta am vazut

Si de o data te am recunoscut

Ai cazut la mine in brate

Si ai crezut ca sufar dupa ale tale calde imbratisari


Ai cazut din cer, ca un inger exilat

Mi ai cazut in cale ca un mar stricat

Te ai apropiat incet de solul arzator

Te ai apropiat de mine crezand ca  imi va fi dor


O stea cazuta am vazut

Isi urma destinul

N am crezut ca te am avut

Dar in final eu ti am avut chinul


Am cazut

Eu sunt steaua cazatoare

Puneti o dorinta

Caci nu ti voi sta in cale


Ce frumoasa este luna

Nu i asa?

Ma vei dorii intr-una

Dar voi pleca


Al meu suflet satinat

L ai lasat plin de toxine

Mi as dori sa fi uitat

Ca ai pus mana pe mine


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My friend Irina

My friend irina

She smiles

She’s ok

She encourages

She dreams

She is always there for me

She gives a hug im all ok

She says she’s fine,they’ll believe the lie

But i see behind that fake smile

That fake “im fine” that she usually says

From a mile i can see her tears imprinted on her face

From a mile i can see the scars on her tired forearms

She says she’s fine

But she hurts herself,with words and blades

With pills and fake affirmations about herself

I try to help,i try to smile,just for her

Not anybody else

I see her puffy eyes when everyone just says good bye

I stay by her side all the time,hopping she will open up

But im just there

A burden on her back

She says she doesn’t mind that

But she has a lot on her beautiful mind

My friend irina

She cries

She screams

She cuts

She dreams

I wasn’t there when she tried to take her life

But i was there when her heart broke into millions of pieces

I gathered them all in one

Replaced it with all i had

Hopping she ‘ll go back

To being fine and all that


My friend irina

Everyone just sees a girl

With eyes and lips and thighs

I see a strong women fighting for her life

With tired brown eyes,like the hot chocolate on a chilly  night

With her curly hair like the waves of the ocean on a breezy night

With her broken smile that she gives me when im not alright

With the clothes she wears to cover up her past

A girl like her you’ll never find

She’s unique and kind

Broken at the same time

Trying to glue her back

Im losing her  just like that

Everyone just says she’s fine

But i see behind all that

They found out about her past

The scars on her arms

That’s all they see

Her past

Her “mistakes”

She overthinks over stupid airheads

About everything she has


She changed

She changed a lot

Into good into bad

People don’t care

They don’t see her for who she is but only for her mistakes

They judge

They laugh

They make “funny” jokes about all that

They say things they should  not

I try to erase everything they said

But its set in her mind

The words are making her go mad

I try to change her mind

Before she takes what she has

I try to stay calm,when im freaking out

I try to say its fine when she freaks out

I say it will be alright

But all she does is say “im fine”

You’re not

You’re sad,and mad

Happy and glad

You tend to be there for everyone when you’re falling apart


My friend irina

She says she’s fine

She says she won’t do it again

She makes promises to herself the others might brake

She stays true to her mind but lies to her heart

Im here for her but she is not here with me

Im here for her but she disappears

She takes refuge in her mind

Thinking its safer that real life

Im trying to wake her up

Im trying to make her stay

Im stealing her bad thoughts away

Hoping it will make a change

But they multiply by the day

Making her want to go away

What should i do

Say goodbye or fight for her life


I tend to smile all the time

When people are around

So they thing she is better now

But when there’s only the two of us

The bridges fall down

She tells me her worries but not fully

She tells me i didn’t do anything but the truth is ,it’s all my fault

Hopefully she will be fine

She will win this battle with her mind

I’ll be the shoulder that she can cry on but also the soldier fighting for her  life

I’ll be there

With my whole mind

I’ll be right there behind

Always ready to fight back


Im here

I’ll always be here


My friend irina

She smiles but if i don’t do anything i will lose her like she lost her mind,i won’t let that happen ,i will be on watch all the time

Don’t worry

We’ll fight together

For the rest of my life


That’s my friend Irina

She is truly the best

That’s why

She has to stay

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Asa cum stelele sclipesc, sa sti ca te iubesc.
Asa cum luna sta ascunsa, și spera ca si soarele
Sa fie a ei muza, și sa cânte vioarele.
Muzica sufletului gol, se da dea dura rostogol
Și în inima vibrează, sperând ca nu visează.
Când a ei speranța moare, frumusețea și răsare.
Când dispari încetișor, sa sti ca mi este dor.
Fără tine nu exist, nimeni nu ma mai observa.
În eternitate eu sunt trist, sunt doar o simpla rezerva.
O reflexie a ta, sunt si voi fi mereu.
Nu voi sta în calea ta, când ajungi la apogeu.
Asa cum stelele sclipesc, sa ști ca te iubesc.
Asa cum soarele lucește, sa sti ca te iubește

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