“stars” but full of scars
with tear in my eyes
i beg you to stay
but my only remain
is my fucking shame.
i’m tired of this nonsense
it was a big mistake
to believe that i can,
save these attachment.
i miss you with all my heart
my soul is full of scars
but you can’t realize
the fact that i love you so much.
when it’s done
it’s a black hole in my heart.
when he s gone,
it’s hard as fuck to keep my feelings up.
even if we’re over
i feel like i’m in heaven
in a heaven full of stars
where i can cover my scars
heaven is not the hell
just remind me that i was in them
before i go from there
i want to thank you but with some mad.
i am mad because of you
my sky is not so blue
i’m not in the mood this days
even tho i’m here in the azure.
Стихи из этой категории
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