My mirror demon
Who are you from the other side?
Why are you looking at the same thing as me?
What are you if I'm not sure if that's me?
I see you my whole life, an entity different and at the same time as like the other entities.
Just a demon who nobody knows what is having in mind, whose mind can go to the invisible universe to just read a poem
You could be...the person who read this, you can't see inside neither
But why I'm so sure...
Why I see only you in my mirror
Now I wonder...
What you see into that chaotic reflection ?
Just you or a person who you don't know who exists...?
"From "Volumul Sub fosta lumină/Under the last light""
Categoria: Poezii filozofice
Toate poeziile autorului: Andrei Lehanceanu
Data postării: 21 octombrie 2024
Vizualizări: 156
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