Entwined Echoes
Fervor-filled soul mirrors,
All alone in the Eden garden,
Between green barriers,
Rosebud whispers eaten.
Beneath the moon's entwined gaze,
In clandestine dances, desires unfurl,
Skin on skin, igniting blaze,
As passion's tempest swirl.
Breaths mingling, hearts ablaze,
Each touch a wildfire, burning bright,
In this secret place, our bodies graze,
Lost in the symphony of the night.
Whispers become moans, soft and sweet,
Echoes of ecstasy in the still air,
Lust's crescendo, a rhythmic beat,
As we surrender to the primal flair.
Categoria: Poezii de dragoste
Toate poeziile autorului: Andrei Lehanceanu
Data postării: 21 octombrie 2024
Vizualizări: 120
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