Wasted love
You taught me how to be my fear
From the first knife I received
I waited and still did not complain
Of all the lives you had to waste
My bruises were all mine to be
Maybe I wanted to be healed
The blood is on your hands
And the gun was never mine
Maybe Try again next time
Guilt is easy to give than to receive
Strong as I could ever be
Without the lessons I was taught
To fall again in love
But thats the thing youve ever done
You taught me the first steps of how run
But I learned my lesson now
Ive danced with the devil once
And I stayed while he set the fire to my heart
Categoria: Poezii de dragoste
Toate poeziile autorului: Andreea Florentina
Data postării: 7 septembrie 2023
Vizualizări: 669
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