how do you love me so easily?
when my whole life, the people around me
have shown me im hard to love,
and so that became my reality.
i've only ever been myself
or changing for others,
or due to traumas,
but there was one constant thing —
they were all temporarily;
i get scared if you stay too long
and i'll push you away,
even if you're nice to me,
'cause that's my lesson.
no one was really here to stay,
yet i still pushed them away,
in fear they'd hurt me too,
so i did it first, before you could.
Categoria: Gânduri
Toate poeziile autorului: Cîrlig Ana-Andreea
Data postării: 28 martie 2023
Adăugat la favorite: 1
Vizualizări: 625
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