Orange and Caramel Tea
Amber flows of flavours in delicate array,
A waterfall sweet, alchemy alike survey,
Tastes of a new boundary, I can embrace,
As a fragrant smile, it makes me trace.
Glided essence, spun sunlight's nuzzle.
Precious gems, a trapping puzzle,
In hues of stars, where universe aligns,
Building love for their heavenly designs.
With each sip, I journey through delight,
Blend of orange warmth, her guise flight,
For in simple ritual, affection finds plea,
In the timeless dances of orange caramel tea.
From "Volumul Pot sa-ți spun ceva?/Can I tell you something?"
Categoria: Poezii de dragoste
Toate poeziile autorului: Andrei Lehanceanu
Data postării: 21 octombrie 2024
Vizualizări: 114
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