The elevator
Imagine your life being an elevator.
It goes up nice and neat
But at any point it can fall down to your feet.
And then… you cant go up , you try and try, but just can’t seem to make it work
You open the doors,you step outside…
You try to look for a way up
You see stairs think its hard
But you know its the right path
You start walking up the stairs
Slowly and steady
You get tired
You stop breathing, you start panicking
What if you never go up all the way?
You collapse right away..
After a while you get up, decide its not time to just give up
You start going up again
Not stopping till you reach the end
You realize it was hard but you did it again
You stopped you thought about how it could go wrong
But you never truly just gave up
So you did it
You now can see all the levels
All the stages you’ve been through
But it doesn’t matter if you got hurt or sad
You made it on the top
Its finally your time.
Categoria: Gânduri
Toate poeziile autorului: Sophia&Irina
Data postării: 26 ianuarie
Vizualizări: 66